Smorgasbord at DevilsTurn

Smorgasbord at DevilsTurn

Date: 2024-01-04 AO: the-devils-turn Q: flipper PAX: Astro (Kyle Kirchhoff), bunker, hairball, turkey_leg, retread, frasier, Dosey Doe, fletch, voodoo, flipper FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Assorted PAX ran assorted routes and distances including hills and a couple SPICEY track workouts.  Strava says Frasier and Dosey Doe laid down 5k PRs during their laps at SCMS… in the middle of 8+ mile runs. 🔥🔥🔥
Retread ran the called route along with hairball and TL, while Bunker lead a group into the hills of old course. Voodoo and YHC went to SCMS for a couple time trial segments.

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