Murderhorn fun

Murderhorn fun

Date: 2023-08-11 AO: _sob Q: fire_hazard PAX: Olaf, Eleanor, wingman, Rousey, Spitball FNGs: None COUNT: 6 Today 6 men decided to get better, and two unnamed pax decided to Yog. WARMUP: Head to toward Elm Street. Stopping for some warm ups in two spots. SSH, Wingmills, IW, Merkins, LSS. THE THANG: Get to the murder horn and pick a lifting rock. 10 curls then up the MH for some instructions. Multiple rounds up the murder horn, exercises at each of the 5 lamp psots, exercises a the top. Mary until all have completed. Then back down to start over at the rock. Round one: Overhead press with the rock, 2 burpees at each light 10 at the top. Round two: Overhead press with the rock, 3 merkins at each light; 20 at the top Round Three: Tricep extensions (tricep curls) with the rock. 4 really deep good squats at each light. 30 squats at the top. Round 4: Squats with the rock overhead; 30 flutters with each leg for 3 lights. then head home as we are out of time.
Stop a few times on the way back for some Mary. MARY: no time ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for the Midriff 50 k’ Be the difference, dont let opinions seperate us. you can have differing opions and still be friends, Harmony is eveyone singing together, unison is everyone being the same. we need harmony in our life. ~~ brought ot you by Soft Pretzel (yogger), Midriff (yogger) and Eleanor (real man workout). COT: Keep us safe, be the difference in our community

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