Wingman’s M wws sighted but no Wingman

Wingman’s M wws sighted but no Wingman

DATE: 2023-06-02 AO: -Brave Q: fire_hazard PAX: Olaf, Odd Job, Rousey, Eleanor FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Run to the apartment complex down Ballantyne commons for some SSH, Merkins, and Windmills. THE THANG: We went in to Wingman and Market Timer’s hood hoping to find them since they must be lost on their .25 mile journey to attend the Brave.
We ran up and down culdesacs all morning. We did some triple nickel like rounds (with a little modification. First we went to Wingmans hilly ass road for a triple nickel of Burpees at the bottom (5) Heels to the Heaven at the top (5) for 5 rounds We then saw Wingman’s M who told us he was the only one still sleeping in the house. She invited us to go knock on the door, but the fear of seeing Wingman in his Tidy Whiteys made us all cringe.
We did three more rounds with 5 merkins and 50 SSH 5 times at another hilly culdesac. Then to another Hilly Culdesac or 5 squats and 20 shoulder taps 5 times. Then yet another culdesac for 5 Sister Mary Katherines and 20 LBCs. Then on the way home we Hit Market timers hilly culdesac on time with 10 burpees at the bottom. Down to the red light at community house and ballantyne commons (safety first) to cross. Monkey humpers for an extraordinarily long light then back home one minute late. MARY: No time we push for the hole hour at the Brave ANNOUNCEMENTS: Panera COT: Be thankful for all you have and just remember no matter how bad your day is you have already made yourself better today.

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