She’s a dude

She’s a dude

DATE: 2023-05-31 AO: Wamrap Q: Orange Whip PAX: DoubleE_F3, Horsehead, O Tannenbaum, poptart, rachel, Alf, Orange Whip FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Another Wednesday came and went and the regulars showed up to rack up more WAMRAP Slackblast points in attempt to finish at the top of the standings for the regular season. Playoffs kick off soon.
Another parking cop strolled by, neck cranked out the door for about 5 minutes wondering if we were robbing cars or just doing something CSAUP. In the end he guessed correctly and let us continue after Alf invited him to join us.
OT was utterly disappointed because he had sworn there was a chick driving the car and she was taking a break from her shift to lustfully watch him fill the parking deck with 55 year old sweat marks.
Rachel continued his run to the finish line and was the only one who got to 30 burpees. Such a douche move. 👏
Double E is looking for a double-double tonight in old man hoops as he pulled away from the kaboose and pushed nearer to the Rachel engine. He still wasn’t able to get close enough to find out that Rachel is an electrical engineer, like he is…too bad too because that would have been an insanely interesting conversation #lies
Horsehead is also an engineer of electrical shit apparently. Sounds painful.
Acknowledgement was given to Joker for completing some run this morning at 3:30am. Also for lifting Turkey Leg up on pull-ups back in the day like a true gentleman. He really is the F3 “Mom” of our region.
Alf went slower this morning to allow his body to rest for his half marathon that he started training for last week. He’ll be fine.
I tried to make a route that Rachel couldn’t lap anyone – you’re welcome Pop Tart – also Tart’s hair was looking especially fro-like this morning. Rachel addressed him as Mr. The Tart when he walked up which was pretty funny.
Double E got a new truck which we all took turns making fun of because that’s what jealous people do.
HH took us out at COT.
Have a great day boys – see you next time.

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