Bank run!

Bank run!

DATE: 2023-03-18 AO: Davinci Q: Odd Job PAX: Kaboom, midriff, Chopper, kirby, sabertooth, Palmolive FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: SSH, IW, Merkin, Hindu Merkin, Runner stretch
THE THANG: Mosey to the cache of cinder blocks behind Target (thanks Midriff for reloading) for man makers, perfect form deep dip merkins (using cinder blocks to elevate), and Sabertooth’s insanely hard ROTC diamond merkin thing. More man makers to cash out, then run behind Target with squats at every light.
Mosey up heart attack hill to the playground. Teams of three, with one partner doing band assisted pull ups while other two partners alternated wheelbarrow runs. Round two was toes to bar + wheelbarrow.
Mosey to the lot behind the nail salon for some rock merkins and a remarkable amount of backtalk from the PAX. Apparently YHC needs to go to the upcoming Q school that @franky and @Rousey are setting up.
Mosey back to base for time.
MARY: Some big boy sit ups and LBC mixed in waiting for the six at various points, but the toes to bar was the killer.
COT: Kirby highlighted the valuable relationships and support we all enjoy through F3. Not everyone has this, but many need it. Get the message out. Prayers for Soft Pretzel’s friend who is struggling with illness. Thanks for the take out Kirby.

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