What happened to Rousey and life coaching from Lex

What happened to Rousey and life coaching from Lex

YHC came in on two wheels, having hit every light in Ballantyne on the way to a fun morning at Stonehenge, and pulled a plastic create from the car to take along for the workout.  That elicited questions of its purpose: milk crate? Are we picking up trash?  Does he even have a purpose for it? Eventually it was abandoned on the ground near the rocks and that made even less sense. Time to get tired!

30-minute WARM-UP

60 merkins mixed in with running, SSH, squats, mountain climbers, something else

Mosey to the exercise equipment for mixing pull-ups with supines and squats

Head to the Lance/Campbell’s lot for 8 merkins at each of 5 lights and then 10 starfish crunches, followed by a 1-minute plank



Line up at the parking lot entrance to Bagpipe Hill for 4 round of a random number of squats or humpers then a sprint up the hill to a random marker.

To the back lot, grab rocks and the crate. Rock work while a guy pushed the crate with 2 rocks for makeshift hairburners.

Get back to COT.



It’s the first week of Flipper’s March Madness and YHC committed early Friday to knock out the 100 merkins, 10 pull-ups, 10 starfish crunches and minute plank during Stonehenge, but by the end of the day, the goal was to knock it all out before da Vinci even started. It was a challenge but we knocked it all out right at 0630 — good job, crew!

During the pull-ups there was a strange conversation about proper alignment etiquette when doing dips on the even bars. Apparently someone got too close to Rousey in the past and he felt a bit violated. With that, Lex explained that the only acceptable way to do dips on parallel bars:

“Either hole to hole or pole to pole.”

We were all educated that morning.

The sprints on Bagpipe were tough and Airwolf surprised everyone with a strong hustle on the first round. He said he laid out all out for that one, but when Tagalong wanted to win the next one, Airwolf wasn’t letting him have it easy.

With legs nice and tired, it was a great time to do hairburners.  The PAX were excited to see how the crate would be used but quickly learned that is not any easier, especially 40 minutes into a workout. The push keeps the heart rate high and the grumbling constant.

Headed back to COT and may have arrived a minute late.  YHC felt compelled to bring a good one considering the group who attend Stonehenge and at least one guy left exhausted. Great to see Spare Parts out, to see Airwolf in daylight and ahead of me in the sprints. Rousey always makes the workout a blast and Tagalong is never shirt on commentary. YHC could compliment Lex Luthor’s 100% at the workout but the wisdom he dropped trumps all. Never forget.

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Das Boot author

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