Orange Whip, Baracus, Picasso, Mile High, Cold Cuts Horsehead
What’s this? A backblast? No I didn’t move to Waxhaw (although I hear they throw a mean kegger). Cheese Curd made me do it, and he wasn’t even there.
6 for an on-campus adventure this morning. Bit lame on the disclaim, but we headed off anyways.
- Playground circuit on the Beetlejuice astroturf. That observation by Orange Whip dictated most of the early chatter, as we quoted that fantastic movie throughout the rest of the workout.
- Bench decline merkins X 25
- Pullups X 10
- Weird thing on the swing X 20
- Run a lap around parking lot
- Repeat the whole thing X3
- 11s on the big hill – jump squats and shoulder taps
- 3 man grinders across the parking lot with Kettlebells on one end. Various exercises
- 2MOM
- TCLaps to Cheese Curd for the BB inspiration.
- It’s been so long since I’ve written one of these things, I’m not even sure what goes next.
- BA is on a frisbee break. It’s not you, it’s him. He’s working on a mission to get all of the A51 old guys back to Friday boot camps, but don’t tell anyone yet.
- We did do a tower buzz of the new covered drop off area. That’s some bright lighting and frankly, you guys all look better in the dark.
- I continue to fail at pull ups. Went with LBJUs.
- Kevlar hanging on like the last in-color Andy Griffith episodes right before they went to Mayberry RFD.
- Come out to Calvary Church tomorrow where we launch from the best AO in South Charlotte and immediately run off campus while Voodoo works out with 2 guys and 300 kettlebells.
- Wear a mask, or don’t, and get your vaccine, or don’t, and make sure to get your booster shot if you do, or don’t.
- Whatever you do, don’t wait.
- Somebody should do something about everything.
your friend and advisor,
About the author