And sweat, lots of sweat. That would be the theme of today. And maybe some queasy and light headed feelings. We got after it.
Warm Up: Mosey to where there are usually bus fumes but its summertime so: 20 SSH, 10 IW, 10 merkins, 10 LSS all IC.
The Thang 1: 1 pull up/5 jump squats, 2 pull ups/10 jump squats, etc. Go as high as you can until you can’t hit the next set of pull ups, then run a lap, start where you left off and go back down the ladder.
Thang 2: Use the covered sidewalk with posts that are about 5 yards apart. Bear crawl with a stop at each post – 1 merkin, 2 merkins, etc. until your form breaks and you can’t get the number of reps for that set. Brexit takes the crown on this one. Not sure he made it to ten but maybe?? Recover with a jog to the end and Peoples Chair.
Next, bear crawl back with stops for – 2 plank jacks, 4 plank jacks, etc until you can take no more. Midriff wins high honors as he was still fighting well into the time the rest of us were doing LBCs at the end of the walkway.
Finally, lunge walk and stop at each post for 1 burpee, 2 burpees, etc up to 7. PAX were instructed to go at your own pace to get to 7. This was not easy. Respect to everyone for completing.
Thang 3: start at the bottom of Devil’s Backbone (legacy Arsenal term – look it up.) Sprint to the top, 20 merkins or until your form breaks. Jog down, sprint up, 15 merkins. Same thing for 10 and 5 merkins.
Finish with three sets of dips x 10 IC alternating with Mary and 60 seconds of plank back at launch.
Announcements: Shovel flag party this Saturday at 2 p.m. Few beers, few laughs, you should come. Also, SIGN UP for Crane Relay or we won’t be able to do it. Need more PAX.
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