A Salute to DDAY

  • When:06/07/2021
  • QIC: Schedule C
  • Pax:

A Salute to DDAY

On June 6, 1944 – the day Allied Forces stormed the beaches of Normandy to begin the liberation of Europe from Nazi occupation.

Allied airborne forces parachuted into drop zones across northern France. Ground troops then landed across five assault beaches – Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword.

* D-Day was the Largest Invasion by the Sea in History
* More Than 150,000 Troops Landed on 50 miles of Beach on D-Day
* 7 Days After D-Day More Than 300,000 Troops Had Landed
* Over 2,400 American Soldiers Were Killed on Omaha Beach on D-Day
* More than 4,000 Allied Soldiers Died on D-Day

Today, we honor those brave men and the tremendous sacrifice they made to protect our freedoms.

(Disclaimer, Cell Phone, CPR, Safety)

#Warm Up
Lap around the ball fields

#The Thang
77 Merkins
77 SB Squats
1 Lap

77 LBCs
77 Rev crunches
1 Lap

77 WWII Sit-ups
77 Jump Squats
1 Lap

77 Man Makers
77 Lunges
1 Lap

77 Turkish Getups
77 Carolina Dry Docks
1 Lap

Homer to Marge x 5



  • What an amazing morning! Small groups however the 2nd F was strong. Great time all around.
  • Workout was horrible. In spite of our best efforts we were unable to complete the workout in the allotted time. Gives us something to look forward to.

About the author

Schedule C author

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