Country Road, (Please) Take me Home

  • When:5/27/2021
  • QIC: Horsehead

Country Road, (Please) Take me Home

Madison, Chicken Wing, Retread, CRS, Jock Strap, Cage, Lex Luthor, Horsehead

8 pax, no snax


The Thang:

Run to the Matthews UMC, often confused with RUN DMC, especially by the Plantation Estates crew across the street.

Brief warmup with standard warmup fare.

Three giant Partner loops w/ partner merkins and partner jump squats at each end.  What’s a partner jump squat you might ask?  That’s a good question.  I was looking for something between a Double Dragon jump kick and the Kid N’ Play dance move where one guy kicks over the other guys’ head.  Everyone failed.  Also note the 2nd old skool rap reference, which really doesn’t fit the John Denver title of this backblast so I’m not sure where this is going.

½ mile Triple Nickel down the Country Road, which was much more fun going down than it was coming back up.  After some carnage, we took a vote and decided that two trips up was enough so we headed back to launch.  Nobody did the burpees I requested upon passing another pax, but I didn’t want to do them either so meh.

Back to launch, where Madison tried to do some weak QJack shizz while runing around staring at his watch and yelling in efforts to get some precise mileage amount that nobody cares about.  After foiling that mutiny, we did a few AYG sprints and then joined the P51 crew for some random wall thing that Slim Fast was trying to kill the last 5 mins with.  We then tied Madison to the anchor and dropped in into Davy Jones Locker.




It’s always nice being reminded that you are leading a running workout that you have completely forgotten about.  It did prompt a few days of trading snacks for miles though, of which I am thankful for.  I have admittedly been pretty low effort with the workouts over the past few months and I’m feeling it for sure.  Thanks to Madison for keeping me honest and signing me up to Q.

I’m not sure I’ve ever had the pleasure of posting with CRS, but he was getting after it.  Good nickname.

Jock Strap, who does not have a good nickname, was right on his heels the whole time.   If you’ve ever worried about scaring off new guys by giving them a terrible nickname, this should assuage your fears a little.

Cage did his typical thing where he appeared out of nowhere.  All I can think of is the butler from Mr. Deeds.  Sneaky Sneaky.

Lex Luthor is doing some thing where he runs 4 times per hour every 4th hour for 4 mins on the 4th of July.  Awesome.

Chicken Wing made the mistake of telling us all about his wife’s foot surgery recovery, to which he was mercilessly heckled about with many assumptions about the subpar support system he provides for his better-half.   It was rough, I tell you.  I mean, he left her home hobbled like Paul Sheldon in Misery, telling her that the Uber app was halfway loaded on her iPhone and she could “figure it out” , so I’m not sure what you guys were expecting the man to do.

Retread just did retread things.  Steady pace, not much chatter.  Always there, always watching.

I’ll be looking to trying to get after it a little harder in the upcoming weeks – need to get the fitness up a bit and unchain Princess Leia from my leg.  Summer time is the best time to drop a few lbs.  Time to get a sweat on.  I hear there’s a chocolate milk with my name on it at an upcoming Ghost Runner.



Something about a Grow Ruck, or Glow Ruck?  I think you buy a $400 book bag and then pay $800 to have Dredd yell at you for 24 hours.  Who’s in?

















About the author

Horsehead author

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3 years ago

As always, HH provides a backblast which is equal parts comedy and inspirational reading. One of these day’s I’ll work out with HH again, just so I can see how badly he chooses to roast me after the fact.

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