A small but hard working group of men this morning. Humidity markedly up. Madison promised us a FNG but alas he was a no-show and assumed to be fartsacking. Funny thing is he apparently lives about a Mickelson 3 iron from the Bagpipe start point. Maybe next time. Disclaimer given and off we went.
Mosey down to Ballantyne Medical Place, hang a right and up the hill. Cross over Brixham Hill into a nondescript parking lot with some decent lighting.
Mosey to the front of Sarah’s Y and spread out on the railings for:
Incredibly short mosey across the Y lot for 4 parking lines of suicides.
Mosey down to Ballantyne Corporate Place, past fitness trail and over to parking lot behind Snyder’s Lance building for a game of Blackjack. Blackjack consisted of 1 merkin at starting point, halfway across the lot for 20 squats. Back for 2 merkins, then 19 squats, 3 merkins and 18 squats… Well you get the idea. Not gonna lie – this one was a grinder in the heat and hurt a bit. Very little mumblechatter as we were in our own heads and grinding. Total of 210 squats and 210 merkins.
Time was nearing and we headed back to our start for one minute of flutters before 6:15.
Moleskin / COT:
5 from Bagpipe joined with 13 from Swift for COT. As graduation season is upon us and many of us have worked tirelessly alongside our children to get them to this proud moment, I chose to read a quote from a commencement speech in lieu of closing prayer. I’ll leave it with you as well. From Vernon Jordan in his 2002 speech at Howard University:
“You are where you are today because you stand on somebody’s shoulders. And wherever you are heading, you cannot get there by yourself. If you stand on the shoulders of others, you have a reciprocal responsibility to live your life so that others may stand on your shoulders. It’s the quid pro quo of life. We exist temporarily through what we take, but we live forever through what we give.”
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