Is there a minimum mileage?

Is there a minimum mileage?

Chastain wants credit for the workouts that Chastain does. No backblast = no credit. So Chastain writes the backblast.

The Boondocks is allegedly a bootcamp workout at Porter Ridge but this day was very gear-ish. Medicine ball and a firehose. Oh yeah, and 0.55 miles according to my watch. Great workout and I’m not complaining, other than it didn’t help me hit my mileage goal for the week.

So lots of stuff was done. Throwing the medicine ball. Slamming the medicine ball. Breaking the medicine ball. Oh yeah, and tugging at the hose. Uh, the firehose. No, I don’t think that’s a pet name.

Welcome to FNG Timothy, now known as Holyfield. Had part of his ear ripped off while playing goalie in a soccer league in his younger years. Can’t tell now, though, as plastic surgery is a wonderful thing. Still gets the name, though.

That should be enough talking to qualify as a legit backblast.

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