Week 1 results are in and we are off to a great start with all but 1 Pax posting a positive result. Time will tell as week 1 usually is the easiest and the real challenge comes in the upcoming weeks. So with that lets take a look and see what the leader board shows.
Current Top 3 Individuals who are in the money:
- Doughboy – down 19 lbs (6.7%) with a nearly 3% lead on the group. Will the burn 3,000 a day, consume a single rice cake diet work over the next 8 weeks, time will tell.
- Deflated – down 8 lbs (3.8%), a bit of a surprise here as he was towards the lower initial weigh ins. YHC already feels like Roger Goodell as other teams have requested the Commish to look into potential cheating scandal. We may need to tap into F3 Waxhaw budget to hire external audtiors to review app coding
- Smithers – down 9 lbs (3.5%) due to some excellent coaching and inability to have a lunch break at work things are going as planned for him
Additional Pax who are safe this week from week 1 penalty:
- Foundation – down 8.6 lbs (3.5%), in contention and decision to bulk up nearly 20 lbs since last comp…proving wise thus far
- Boitano – down 8 lbs (3.4%), skating along looking to strike in upcoming weeks
- Blades of Glory – down 8.8 lbs (3.2%), solid start out the gate and believe avoided the croissant this morning. Good work!
- Jingles – down 7.6 lbs (2.9%), good to see you made it out to Pursuit this morning. May need to get that toe looked at by Dr based on scale pic
- Banjo – down 6 lbs (2.5%), held out to final weigh in chance and barely missed the penalty list. Potential sleeper pick to win if bald spot continues to grow
- Wedding Singer – down 5.6 lbs (2.4%), final pax to avoid penalty. Major concern though with upcoming move to CO and potential for munchies to derail momentum
Pax who face a 100 merkin penalty this week:
- Recalculating – down 4.8 lbs (2.4%), old man will need to increase prune consumption to avoid penalties in upcoming weeks
- Nails – down 5.5 lbs (2.2%), good steady start, but possibly one to many BK Impossible Whoppers caused you to miss the cut by 0.3% this week. Be on look out for 2 puffy coats on next week
- Zin – down 4.6 lbs (2.1%), believe this more of a strategy play to take early penalty and come on strong in final few weeks. Time will tell
- Rudy – down 4.2 lbs (1.8%), should not be concerned as most likely due to weigh in taking place before SSH at site of week 1 weigh ins
- Damascus – down 3.8 lbs (1.6%), appears to have replaced the glass of Merlot with a brownie in week 1…will see if diet will change once Dryuary complete
- Fuse Box – down 3.4 lbs (1.4%), with early week 1 weigh in due to entertaining requirements this week with clients, will see if he decides to remove 1 or 2 layers of Rocky I training suit in upcoming weigh ins to avoid week 2 penalty
- Deep Dish – down 2.4 lbs (1.2%), has he subscribed to the Recalc slow steady approach or Zin strategy play. More insight to come in week 2
- Brutus – down 2 lbs (0.9%), like his Wolverines/Lions unable to find pay dirt. Will be painting goal line in front of refrigerator to avoid crossing in week 2 to get snacks.
- Deadwood – up 1.2 lbs (-0.6%), appears to be following his “Macros” diet which upon further investigation is really a “Macaroni & Cheese” diet. Lock it up DW! Fellow team members have discussed poking him in good eye to ensure he can’t find fridge in week 2.
Team Standings:
- Team Hunger Games(Recalc/Doughboy/Banjo) – 11.6%
- Team Ice Capades (Deflated/Blades Glory/Boitano) – 10.4%
- Team Chocolate Cookie (Deadwood/Foundation/Smithers) – 6.4%
- Team Delirium Tremens (Zin/Nails/Rudy) – 6.1%
- Team Rex Ryan Love Bunions (Deep Dish/Jingles/Damascus) – 5.7%
- Team Traveling Circus (Brutus/Fuse/Wedding Singer) – 4.7%
For those who owe penalty need to complete prior to next Thursday. Week 2 penalties are 100 Bobby Hurley’s
Keep the calories down and exercises going.
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