Starting to get concerned about the crowbar

Starting to get concerned about the crowbar

5 pax gathered for a post-Christmas beatdown, including an fng (my second this week… and total). Attempted to go for a theme, but most carols are terrible for workouts and 12 days has been appropriately and roundly abused in the recent past. So, I ended up just attempting to hit one of the areas most affected by bad holiday decisions.

  • Warm-up
    •  loop around parking lot
    • 10 ssh and merkins in cadence, calf stretch, 10 potato pickers
  • Run to Middle school entrance
    • 5 diamond merkins and a half lap
    • 3 rounds
  • Run back to start- Jack Webb
    • Hammers (increments of 4)
    • Bobby Hurleys (increments of 1)
    • Bearcrawl up hill
  • Moseyed to the path
    • 5 burpees at each light
    • Run backwards between lights
  • Run to high school parking lot – Suicides/4 corners
    • Home – 20 speed skaters
    • 1st corner – 10 dry docks
    • 2nd corner – 15 wide arm merkins
    • 3rd corner – 20 squats
  • Book back to start (we were totally on time at 6:17)
  • Fuse took us out

Everyone did great, the fng was never just lying on the ground questioning his life decisions, drive by was pushing it the whole time, Glider just outright killed my weinke, and Fuse Box was generally up front, but still threatens me with a crowbar… should I be concerned?

The fng had a narrow miss on his naming as he saved one of the best/worst wedding stories I think I’ve ever heard. The group walked away settling on the name Fourscore. A few minutes later he was talking about his various anniversary dates and the mnemonics he uses to remember them, in particular his wedding date. Apparently he was married in Nagasaki on the anniversary of the atomic bomb being dropped there. Hence, with this backblast, I believe I have secured him a much better f3 name as Nagasaki (with the exception of One Star attempting to name my brother Cock Blocker Tuesday). Been trying to talk him into coming out here for probably years at this point, and I believe it helps when they don’t have to wake up before the crack of dawn to attend.


12/31 – Watchtower converges at Bushwood – Marvin Elementary

1/1 – Chiseled converges at Dromedary – Marvin Ridge High

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