

7 men were at Cerberus.  4 of them combined for 200+ years of life experience.  All were strong. 

26 degrees so mosey warm up to the deck for COP.  Standard SSH, Squats, Merkins, etc.  Some trips up the deck with Merkins, Jump Squats, RDL’s and Burpees.  Pausing for the six with some Peoples Chair.

6 MOM to get those washboard abs.  Still some time and not wanting to cool off we hit 3 stair cases with 5 burpees at the top of each staircase.


This wordpress gets harder to use each and everytime.  None the less, we had a good group out this morning with good 2nd F chatter and solid efforts by all.  Shop and I finished up the Q Source for the year, but there is a chance to start it all again with us.  We are going to restart and re-discuss all of the topics kicking off Jan 3rd.  Please join us. 

Astro with the take out (I think??)

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Alf author

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