We work out for how long?

We work out for how long?

It was a full house this morning as 13 pax, including Full House, gathered to start the day off right.

Here is what was planned:

  • Trapezius stretch while standing in mountain pose
  • Bend down into a forward fold.
  • Kick out into a plank
  • Walk it into a down dog
  • Slide through a plank into cobra
  • Push back up to down dog
  • Roll up slowly to mountain
  • Warrior I – left side
  • Warrior II – left side
  • Warrior I – left side
  • Warrior I – right side
  • Warrior II – right side
  • Warrior I – right side
  • Sit down
  • Easy twist – left
  • Easy twist – right
  • Corpse pose
  • Right knee to chest (Pavanamuktasana)
  • Knee down twist pose – left (Jathara Parivrtanasana)
  • Corpse pose
  • Left knee to chest (Pavanamuktasana)
  • Knee down twist pose – right (Jathara Parivrtanasana)
  • Corpse pose
  • Plank on elbows
  • Child’s Pose
  • Plank on elbows
  • Child’s Pose
  • Easy Twist – Left
  • Easy Twist – Right
  • Sit up


That plan covered 30 minutes and proudly ended the workout at 6 am. I was quickly reminded that we work out for 45 minutes, thank you Swiss Miss, and I began improvising the last 15 minutes. Thank you to all the pax for allowing me to lead today.

About the author

Bryan Markham author

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