The Elusive Indian Land BackBlast

The Elusive Indian Land BackBlast

6 men gathered in the shadows of Indian Land Elementary this morning, 4 did the pre-run.  We do this every Thursday but not everybody knows this because of a poor history of back blasts… no more!

The Thang:

Quick warm-up at the launch point.  10 low slow squats IC, 20 MCs IC, six inches/plank x 5, 10 windmills IC.

Grab your headlamp and lets mosey across the street to the neighborhood with all the hills!  Staying together, do the called exercise at the bottom, run hard up the hill, easy back down.  5 rounds total: merkins x 20, low slow merkins x 10, flutter/LBCs x 20, diamond merkins x 10 IC, wide arm merkins x 10 IC.

Mosey back to the school and around to the back playground.  AMRAP for ~12 minutes as follows: take 1/2 of your one set max pullups and do pullups/5 squats 3X then run across to the school for 10 donkey kicks.  That’s one round.  Got 3 – 3.5 rounds in per PAX.

Mosey to the front of the school and grab some tall wall. Civilian count – 10 muscle ups, then people’s chair/50 air presses.  Repeato.  Circle up for 10 aquamans, 10 seal merkins, IC.  Go around the circle for Mary and time called.

Announcements: Christmas Party 11/30!  Vagabond this weekend.

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Soft Pretzel author

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