V-Necks, 4-mile Creek, 5 Hokies, and a dishwasher

  • When:04/18/17
  • QIC: Alf
  • The PAX: Joker, Margo, Iron Sides, Utah, Chin Music, Rachel, Turkey Leg, Hairball, Prohibition, Fault Line, Duct Work, Hannibal, Purple Haze, Soul Glow, Gummy, Madison, Hopper, Baracus, Mr. Brady, Semi-Gloss, & Alf (Q)

V-Necks, 4-mile Creek, 5 Hokies, and a dishwasher

So this backblast is later in the day than I wish it was, but work got in the way and work pays the bills.  Maybe if F3 started paying the Q’s I could make more time in the day for this sort of shenanigans, but while F3 does a lot of great things, paying my bills is not currently one of them.

21 guys and very importantly, 5 of them Hokies posted at Fast Twitch.  One of them (hint: it was me, wore a stylish v-neck running shirt.)

The Thang:

Whats there really to say.  We ran.  It’s Fast Twitch.

Mosey quickly down to gravel lot by the club house for some Squats and Imperial Gummy’s to stretch things out.  Mosey up Raintree and down to the creek crossing on 4 mile creek.  Partner up.  P1 runs left and around townhouse loop and back.  P2 runs right out to flashing red light and back.  Meet for 20 Handclap merkins.  Switch sides and repeat.  Repeat again but next round do 20 decline merkins while partner planks. Switch sides again for the 4th round.  Lead guys mosey back for the six.  Run back to school with 3 sets of AYG intervals and maybe some planking and LBC’s.


So I rolled in right at the buzzer this AM.  Sometimes the morning bowel’s take a little longer than others mornings.  We can’t all come early and crowd out Semi-Gloss from the SCMS crapper.  Everyone was quick to admire my ever so stylish v-neck running shirt.  Hater’s gonna hate is all I can say.  It’s cool, comfortable, and visible at 200′ with high beams.  #Jealous

Hairball was quite easily goaded into posting this morning as long as we let him take his shirt off in the spring time heat. And he did, even though it’s clearly against the Raintree HOA bylaws.   #Scowflaw.

Was good to see my Hokie Brethren two days after the 10 year anniversary of the shooting on VT campus.  Hairball, Turkey Leg, Baracus, and Joker were all out and running hard.  #GoHokies

Prohibition and Duct Work seemed generally disappointed to have me as a partner.  Well, not sure about Duct Work, but Pro was not thrilled.  I used deodorant this AM?  Haze ran steady all morning even though he hates 4-mile creek.  Soul Glow, Utah and Ironside also keep the steady non-stop pace all morning.  Semi Gloss runs hard for the first few miles then seems to get bored so he hangs back with the six.  Brady is quickly making his way back to the front of the Pax which is great news for the Minions BRR team.

Chin Music, Rachel and Joker blew through the first AYG down Raintree Lane.   Good news – they were the first PAX to the gravel lot.  Bad news – they were still probably a minute off the average pace it would take to win the Boston Marathon.  Need to go sub 5 minute pace the whole way!

Dishwashers.  Ok this has nothing to do with the workout but I need to get it out there.  And you all can ignore or comment.  Either way it’s off my chest.

I take loading the dishwasher as a challenge.  I’m pretty sure I can some how cram 4 days and 3 full cabinets full of dishes into one load of the dishwasher, with breathing room to clean in between.  Not a single tine goes unused, it takes some shuffling but can be done.  When done well it’s a site to behold.

My M however performs some other miracles with the dishwasher.  Can she fit more dishes than me?  Of course not, that’s a crazy thought.  The miracle is that somehow she can take one small glass, a salad bowl, and a spoon and arrange them in such a way, right down the middle of the dishwasher so that nothing, not a plate, not a knife, not even a toothpick more will fit in the dishwasher.  Somehow those 3 items consume all 15 cubic feet of space in the dishwasher and she is ready to run it.  Drives me crazy.

Of course I am smart enough to never mention this trait to her, I just go about my nightly business of rearranging things to fit like it was meant to.  Apparently M’s don’t like #Mansplaining.

I don’t know, maybe you know what I am talking about and maybe you don’t.

Announcements:  Free spot on Smokey Mountain Relay team this weekend.  Surely you can’t miss the tweets if you want details.

Thanks to Brady for the takeout.


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7 years ago

The dishwasher struggle is real. There are support groups for this sort of thing. Pretty sure it’s F3.

Fault Line
Fault Line
7 years ago

Great workout, was reminded that a towel for my seat will be a requirement going forward through Spring and into Summer. You hit a nerve with the dishwasher…my issue is kids choosing to drink milk from a wine glass and eat cereal with plastic spoons rather than just hitting start…erk!!

7 years ago

Dishwasher – yep, true story.

7 years ago

My dish issue is with the dozens of Yetis, fake Yetis, Nalgenes and sticker-covered water bottles that can’t go in the dishwasher and pile up on the counter. My teenagers each use at least two of these a day for coffee and water, but they won’t wash them. And even though they are the only ones that drank out of it yesterday, today it is too dirty to reuse. I use the same water bottle for F3 for at least a week.

Reply to  Gummy
7 years ago

Amen Gummy! I feel your pain.

7 years ago

Aye. Dishwashers. Aye

7 years ago

Aye on the dishwasher, Alf…
The ability to load one properly and maximize the cycle is a male trait know as DSR (Dishwasher Spacial Reasoning). Some M’s just don’t get it.
And solid Q on the hills of Raintree.

High Tide
7 years ago

While I know very little about running, Dishwasher Optimization (and, the related, sub-optimization) is within my bailiwick. Nightly reshuffling, chewin’ teen backsides for not putting their dirty dishes in the dishwasher, etc… Also, smart enough not to mention it to the M, but do admit to a glint in my eye when she marvels at how I just added two more placesettings of dirty dishes into her “full” dishwasher.

7 years ago

My wife seems to think that the dishwasher will magically clean everything off the dishes and there is no reason to clean the dish off in the sink first. This includes leaving a bowl of rice crispies where the remaining pieces harden to the side of the bowl. Thanks for the therapy session Alf and letting me vent that out there.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Margo
7 years ago

Cleaning the dishes before you put in dishwasher. That is heresy. Did your wife steal your log in and post that comment?

Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
7 years ago

Hey now… It’s more of a “rinse” the dish off. Can’t put it in there with food still on it. This bothers me and it feels good to let it out. By the way, you’re about a week late to the conversation.

7 years ago

When someone starts discussing dishwasher management, I usually just roll my eyes and say “you have no idea”. I’m happy to hear so many others go through this daily struggle. I also get the “why do you always put my water glass in the dishwasher? I wasn’t done.” But instead of pointing out the 3 that are still sitting out around the house that she has failed to reuse, I just shrug and say “oh, my bad.”

And Alf, it wasn’t that I didn’t like being your partner but more that I didn’t really want to run fast or do all of the merkins. Nothing personal.

7 years ago

First and last. Big fan of the V neck. It gets two snaps in Z formation.

7 years ago

Listen Alf… back to the V-neck thing. There are two types of men in this world… those that wear V-necks and those that do not. I’ll admit I’ve glanced at the V-necks when I do my shopping, but just never had the nerve to buy one. But you are a snappy dresser so it fits your style. Keep rockin it.

On the dishwasher, I’m just not wired to really care… I just cram things in any way I can, never repeating the configuration or trying to optimize anything other than “how quickly can I jam this stuff in there”… cups on the bottom rack?… why not?… bowls on the top rack?… sure, if necessary… plastic cups in places that are likely to get so hot it causes warping?… I’ll take the chance.

As for the workout today… it was a great one. Really nothing like the 60-minute running format to push yourself outside of the comfort zone.

Strong showing by the Hokies today.

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