
  • When:01/23/17
  • QIC: Soft Pretzel
  • The PAX: Frehley's, Luggi, Escobar, Argo, Voodoo, Wild Turkey, Brat, One Niner, Kirby, Mighty, Gumbo, Marlin, SP.


13 men escaped the always treacherous Monday fartsack.  The skies cleared nicely… grab your bell(s) and let’s begin.

COP: 5 swings, 10 IW (IC), 10 swings, 10 low, slow squats (IC), 15 swings, 10 mountain climbers (IC), 20 swings.

Warm-up complete.  Remove sweatshirts and grab your heavy one.

Snatches x10 each arm, 30 flutters (IC).  High pulls x 10 each arm, 30 LBCs (IC).  Cleans x 10 each arm, 30 American Hammers (IC).  One hand Swings x 10 each arm, 15 Heels to Heaven (IC).

Intermission: run to the playground (~75 yards), one set max pull-ups, run back.

Return to the circle for three sets of: KB Merkins (one hand on bell) x 10 each side/10 one arm rows each side.

2nd Intermission: run to the playground, one set max pull-ups, run back.

Return for the finale.  2 AMRAP sets ~6-7 minutes each.  Set 1: 5 KB burpee presses, 10 curls, run to the median and back.  Repeato AYG until YHC calls time.  Set 2: 5 “burpee swings”, 10 tricep extensions, run to second median and back.  Repeato until time called.  3 MOM to finish.

Moleskine: Another great turnout and effort at the Foxhole.  Great to see Bratwurst make a return appearance!!  YHC attempted to push the PAX while keeping everyone in step for the first 30 minutes, then use the AMRAP format in the final 15 to allow some of our more advanced PAX to fire things up.  Fairly successful I think and YHC appreciates the good feedback.  I think we pushed ourselves today men – mission accomplished.

No Announcements today.  Weird.

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Soft Pretzel author

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7 years ago

Thanks for leading, Soft Pretzel. Great format for the workout. I was definitely feeling this one later in the day (and still am). I hear that Wild Turkey really enjoyed the down PAINment.

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