15 men gathered to bring in the New Year at Skunkworks. With rain expected, YHC was unsure as to what kind of turnout we might have. With so much unknown, a reconnaissance mission was done on Monday to determine places that we could work out in the event of inclement weather. During that mission, YHC noticed that the overhead lights were left on at the tennis courts pavilion– making for the perfect landing spot, rain or shine.
Upon arrival, I was impressed to see the dedicated pre-runners doing their thing and plenty of other dedicated men rolling in early. At exactly 5:30, the disclaimer was given and the PAX was reminded to modify if needed, especially if the holidays forced you to take a hiatus from posting. COP began promptly following the disclaimer and it went like this:
SSH x 20
IW x 20
LSS x 20
KB swings x 20 (OYO)
Good mornings x 15
Merkins x 20
KB swings x 30 (OYO)
The PAX then moseyed to end of parking lot with KBs where the group was instructed to further mosey to the tennis courts pavilion. Once at the pavilion, the group of 15 was split evenly into 5 groups of 3.
The Thang–
Circuit training at its finest. 5 stations and 4 rounds of varying exercises to produce the full body workout.
Round 1: Station 1– 2-handed KB swings
Station 2– Goblet squats, butt to bench
Station 3– Incline merkins
Station 4– Cleans
Station 5– Run/Timers (ran to circled parking lot at end of street and back)
Round 2: Station 1– 2-handed high pulls
Station 2– Romanian dead lift/Good mornings
Station 3– Decline merkins
Station 4– Snatches
Station 5– Run/Timers
Round 3: Station 1– Bicep curls
Station 2– Step ups
Station 3– Tricep press
Station 4– Overhead press (1 or 2-handed)
Station 5– Run/Timers
Round 4: Station 1– Freddie Mercury
Station 2– Dips
Station 3: LBCs with KB
Station 4: 1-handed rows
Station 5: Run/Timers
Farmer carry back to parking lot and the workout ended right on time.
My first Q at Skunkworks and I have to admit that the weather did keep me up at night. The Bible tells us not to worry about things we can’t control, but I didn’t want to fail the PAX in my first Q! I thoroughly enjoyed this group, and I definitely think the light at the pavilion added a different element. I realized how unusual it was to be able to see faces while we worked out. And I also think seeing faces brings out better sarcasm and jokes, from Bananas and Brown in particular!
Though some exercises got a bit long in duration, it gave us time to consult Bulldog on all things England– travel, currency exchange rates, and Brexit. Who knew you could get an international current events lesson at Skunkworks!
The Skunkworks guys continue to impress. Dedicated, hard-working, and relentless work ethics make this site truly one of the best in Area 51. Thanks to Harley and Fletch for the opportunity to lead. And thank you to Lex Luthor for the take out prayer.
Announcements– None.
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