
  • When:10/03/16
  • QIC: Fire Marshall Bill
  • The PAX: Soft Pretzel, Flint, Voodoo, Wild Turkey, Argonaut, Marlin (R), Mighty Mite, Muppet, Frehley's Comet (R), French Press (FNG), Jeff *something*(First time meeting. Couldn't hear the name in the recording. Sorry bro.)


12 Pax showed up on what turned out to be a warmer than expected morning to show their love for YHC’s VQ. A respectable number at Foxhole, which would make for tight quarters when it came time to find your spot on a pull-up bar.


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Short mosey around the parking lot loop then a little warm-up to get those quads and shoulders ready:

LSS x 10

Windmill x 10

Seal Jack x 15

Arm Circles x 20 (10 forward. 10 reverse)

Grabbed the bells and made our way to the playground. The bulk of the workout was spent here gettin’ swole. 2 rounds, 2 exercise each round, 3 sets of each exercise:

21-15-9 of KB Thrusters and Pull-ups. First one finished leads Mary.

21-15-9 22-16-10 of Clean and Press( 11-8-5 each hand) and 2H swings. First one finished leads Mary.

Mosey to the field for some sprints. Holding a 6 in plank on the sideline and jumping up into a sprint across the width of the field on YHC’s 3-count for a total of 5 times across.

Circle up for 6 MoM on the field. Made our way around the circle with each Pax calling a workout.

Mosey back to the playground with 90 sec to spare. One set of max-rep pull-ups.

Fix the divots and retreat to back to the parking lot for COT.


YHC first came to Foxhole because I was asking one of the Pax at Bagpipe if any of the workouts had less running and maybe did some pull-ups every once in a while. He suggested Foxhole. So, to be faithful to my quest for big lats, I had to throw in a few pull-ups. A KB version of Fran seemed like a good idea. Any Pax that could perform 10 or more strict, forward grip pull-ups were encouraged to maintain a forward grip the whole time. YHC tried, and failed.

Because KB thrusters didn’t quite kill the shoulders like I hoped, some Clean and Presses and 2H swings were thrown in. The mission was to bring some pain to the deltoids. Mission Accomplished!

All the Pax kept theirs noses to the grindstone and pushed through these two grueling rounds. Pretty sure Argonaut finished first on both rounds and led the Mary for us while we waited for the six. The guy is a beast.

All Pax inhaled their share of carcinogenic pellets at the soccer field while holding a 6 in plank during the sprint series. Everybody gave their all here which was impressive after the playground beat-down.

Finishing up with some Mary on the field rounded off what I hope was a total body assault that made everybody just a little bit stronger.

A max-rep set of pull-ups wasn’t exactly a cool-down but there was time to kill and it felt like the right thing to do.

YHC was proud to lead this group today. Although, tomorrow I may be regretting it.

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FireMarshalBill author

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7 years ago

Well done FMB. Ballsy move bringing your own FNG out for your First Q. Like it. Way to keep things moving out there, you’re a natural.

JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
7 years ago

Sorry to have missed FMB… Let me know your next one and I’ll be there. Nice work stepping up to lead and pounding out that backblast. Who’s up next for VQ!

7 years ago

Great lead, FMB. Looking forward to many more. I enjoyed the mix of strength and speedwork.

Welcome to French Press! I hope you make it back out. We’re there every Monday (and Wednesday for Fat Camp).

The missing pax is Uncle Leo from Area 51.

7 years ago

One more thing: please join us for the kettlebell clinic at Calvary Church this Saturday from 7 to 8 if you’re not running the Ragnar. Byron (an actual professional) will be leading. It will be a great opportunity for pax new to kettlebells or experienced pros that are looking to brush up on their skills. I hope you can join us. Park near the soccer fields.

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