Bratwurst can’t pee sitting down

  • QIC: Bunker
  • The PAX: Cheddar, Geraldo, Hannibal, Cheese Curd, Utah, Fletch, Stone Cold, HoneyBee, Huggie Bear, Prohibition, Mr. Brady, Teddy, Margo, Bunker

Bratwurst can’t pee sitting down

Now there’s a title that is sure to create some page views for my backblast.

3 things I learned at F3 this week:

  1. Several SOB’ers are fans of the band Right Said Fred #imtoosexyformyshirt
  2. There’s nothing wrong with #F3hottubs / hyBROtherapy
  3. Bratwurst can’t pee sitting down…to be fair, we learned that he was trying to do this while on a bicycle during a triathlon….still, couldn’t pass up this gem and it makes for a great BB header.

This morning 14 strong men saddled up to the greenway parking lot to conquer the smooth and sexy hills of #theLC.  This is a great course and thanks to Hairball’s infatuation with MTV and their wonderful programming, we have a new classic route name.  Maybe it’s the warm weather, the early sunlight, or most likely the PAX’s love affair with bald runners, but numbers are picking up for the summer at DT.  Good to see a consistently strong crew out there.

The Thang:

The plan was simple this morning (as it usually is at DT when we aren’t trail running with Tuck).  Mosey north on Rea, cross 51, and hit the Five Knolls neighborhood for some repeats.  Just in case folks were delirious from the humidity, YHC drew a nice chalk map for everyone.  It was very complex, but after walking HoneyBee through it a couple of times he finally got it.  Directions:  Start, long arrow with a u-turn back, Finish.  Repeat.  (it was the last one that tripped him up)


The more things change the more things stay the same at DT….we had some “new” blood that YHC hasn’t met before (Fletch and Geraldo), and we had the same guys out front killing it (HoneyBee & Mr. Brady).

Speaking of HB…right out of the gate he takes off and I knew he was going for the infamous 3 laps.  You can’t tell from Strava, but I think he got it.  Kudos to you my fast bald friend.

Teddy, Fletch, and Mr. Brady were all strong this morning.  Teddy stormed out of the gate only to have his soul crushed on the 2nd repeat of that beastly hill.  He recovered nicely though and finished running hard.  Mr. Brady was fast up and down the hill this morning….looks like he brought his Slip N’ Slide to the workout.  Fletch was killing it…nice to meet you today.   You stayed right with the Bee all morning…by the way, your movies are classics (I’ll have a bloody mary and a steak sandwich and….a steak sandwich please).

Cheddar showed up on time today!

StoneCold was a beast again today….we kept each other company up and down those damn hills.  Thanks for not letting me slow down this morning…we both agreed that the hill on the way out is the worst.  During our run he told me all kinds of cool stories about Vince McMahon.  Did you guys know that wrestling is fake?

Another solid crew spread out across the course today….and it’s nice to see you guys out on a regular basis.  Margo helped me set the pace at the beginning and ran hard until “leaving early for a meeting”.  Hannibal was his methodical self, CheeseCurd complained that the hills sucked, Utah grunted at us when we said “good work”, Huggie Bear hugged everyone he saw, and Prohibition was boozing it up and down those hills.

Geraldo kept me company on the way back to COP.  I asked him about Al Capone’s vault and how bad it hurt when the chair broke his nose.  Bring back the Geraldo show!

Another fine showing for Devil’s Turn.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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Bunker author

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Stone Cold
7 years ago

Wrestling is fake but Wrasslin’ is not. “And that’s the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so!”

JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
7 years ago

Strong agreement with what you learned #1 and #2

Honey Bee
7 years ago

Thanks for the extra instruction on the route. I missed the large letters on the ground saying “Repeat”. Looking back I wish I would have just ignored that instruction. Painful stuff out there.

The record of three laps is safe since there is no record of it occurring. We’ll do it next time and get proof!

7 years ago

Nice to meet you too Bunker – that was a rude welcome back to Devils turn. Tough route out there – Honey Bee was smoking it up and down the 5 knolls, strong work on your three laps.

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