Kettlebell Murph

  • When:05/30/16
  • QIC: Mighty Mite & Argonaut
  • The PAX: High Tide, Nemo, Marlin, Frehley's Comet, Overhead, Flint, Mighty Mite, Argonaut

Kettlebell Murph

8 patriotic PAX showed up to work on a Memorial Monday to reopen the Foxhole.


15 Imperial Walker

The Kettlebell Murph

1 mile run
100 snatch
200 alternating press*
300 swings
1 mile run.
* or 100 press and 100 pull-ups

The PAX were given options on how to break up the sets (4 – 10 sets seemed to be the range) and which weight to use (some used a single bell for the duration, others alternated between a larger swinging bell and a smaller pressing bell).

Cool Down Mary

  • Flutter OYO
  • Dolly OYO
    (Six arrives)
  • 30 LBC (In cadence, Argonaut)
  • 20 Freddy Mercury (In cadence, Marlin)
  • 15 Heels to Heaven (In cadence, Flint)
  • COT, Mighty Mite with the takeout.
Ole Voleskine

As Mighty Mite mentioned so eloquently in his takeout, this was a suitable beginning for a day of remembrance, honoring the countless men and women that have given up everything so that we might have something to be thankful for. Solid group of PAX this morning for a KB Murph. Neither YHC or any of the other PAX had ever done Murph in this style (or at least no one claimed it); it sucked just as much as a standard Murph. Grip was pretty much shot halfway through which made everything, well…a lot more challenging.

Marlin brought out his speedy, soccer playin’, 2.0, “Nemo” (must have been named at a F3 Dads event, solid Pixar reference). Nemo crushed the Mile run, Marlin wasn’t far behind (figures, probably looking for him #dadjoke). High tide looked like he spilled a bag of oversized Skittles out of the back of his car after he had unloaded 42 kettlebells of all different colors (thanks for bringing out the spares HT); solid performance from the F3 kettle-veteran. Flint and Overhead, two relatively new PAX, not only showed up, but seemed to be enjoying themselves (most of the time) as they crushed the bell work; well done dudes. At one point, Frehley’s Comet got an extra burst of adrenaline and was crushing some KB presses to the booming beats of some 80’s Hair Band. In the morning sun, with the music and iron pumping, it kinda looked like one of those “Cenegenics” perpetual youth and strength commercials. YHC would be happy to be half as fit as that guy at 50+, Respect!! Mighty Mite did a solid job leading us and was first to finish the bell work and start the mile run; good call on re-opening the Foxhole, brother.

Remember to thank someone who is a vet or active duty military today. Memorial Day is not about a dang mattress sale, it’s about remembering the real deeds and real sacrifices of real men and real women. God Bless America.

Argonaut Out

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7 years ago

Well done, guys. Sorry I couldn’t be there.

Reply to  Loogie
7 years ago

Rest up, Loogie. I’m sure we will do it again next year.

High Tide
7 years ago

Nice change up on The Murph. I kinda did my own thing with 100 pullups, 200 presses, & 300 swings, but the 2nd F made the difference. Before it was pre-tweeted that Foxhole was open, I was planning a #sadclown Murph. Thanks for organizing & leading, Argo & MM.

7 years ago

Thanks for opening the ‘hole yesterday. I’m sorry to have missed it, but was still not back to normal after whatever bug I picked up last week. See you in the gloom soon.

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