Rocks with a Side of Goat’s Milk

  • When:04/27/16
  • QIC: Soft Pretzel
  • The PAX: Argonaut, Abacus, Bottle Cap, Longhaul, Bratwurst, Uncle Rocky, Bananas, Enron, Dasher, Landshark, Flipper, Jingles, FNG - Catamount , Short Circuit, Buceeni, Shampoodle, Backsplash, Rockwell, Hoops, The Grease Monkey, Frac, Doc McStuffins, Old McDonald, SP.

Rocks with a Side of Goat’s Milk

24 men came out to Dromedary this morning for their down pain-ment… and to purchase some fresh farm goods.  Here is what we did:

The Thang:

Mosey up to a larger parking lot to get some room for warm-up: 25 SSH, 20 low slow squats, 10 merkins, 20 mountain climbers, 10 merkins (all IC).

Run to the Globe (~.25 mile) and plank to wait for the 6.  Alternate six inches/regular until all arrive, or as Bananas called it – “4 merkins.”  Then 10 jump squats OYO, 10 military merkins IC, 20 LBCs IC, 5 burpees OYO.  Run back for 20 dollies, 25 flutters IC.

Mosey to the rock pile, partner up and grab one rock per pair.  Ladder of exercises as follows (P1 has rock, P2 does called exercise until P1 completes reps):

Set 1 = P1 10 squats, P2 = burpees.  Set 2 = P1 10 squats + 10 presses, P2 = merkins.  Set 3 = P1 10 squats + 10 presses + 10 curls, P3 = LBCs.  Set 4 = P1 10 squats + 10 presses + 10 curls + 10 triceps ext., P2 sprint to the median and recover jog back.

Next, “catch me if you can” with your partner across the lot.  10 merkins then run to catch the partner with the rock.  Stop at the base of the hill and drop the rocks.  Then partner carries up the hill, 10 hand slap merkins at the top, jog down, flapjack and repeat.

Next, P1 does called exercise with a rock while P2 runs the hill and does either burpees or jump squats at the top.  Rock exercises were curls, tricep extensions, and flutter presses.  Haul rocks back to the pile with your partner and finish up with ~6 minutes of Mary: Freddie Mercury, heels to heaven, military merkins, pistol crunches, regular crunches, military merkins, russian twists, LBCs.

Moleskine:  Awesome job by the PAX today as the numbers keep creeping higher at Dromedary.  Special mention to Landshark, Flipper, and Hoops.  These guys are 2.0s who post regularly (if not every week) and really help lead the workout with their strong efforts and high fitness levels.  Landshark and Flipper are starting out to sell some of the stuff from their farm (again, these kids W-O-R-K) so lets support them, see below.  Welcome to FNG Catamount, another youngster we expect big things out of!

Announcements: 1.) 3rd F Thursday at Brooklyn Pizza @ 7:30.  Ice 9 on Q,  2.) Prayers for Wheels, an F3 UC brother who has just discovered he has cancer.  Tests and treatments to follow so please reach out if you can or keep in prayers.

And last but not least… Landshark and Flipper are selling farm fresh eggs and goats milk from their farm.  $4 per dozen and $2.50 a quart.  YHC took home some goat’s milk this morning and I know Dasher got some as well.  Contact these guys via e-mail at:

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Soft Pretzel author

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8 years ago

Solid crowd control work this morning, and nice Q! Worked a lot of Mary in as we went.

8 years ago

Soft Pretzel kept things linked and varied (except the constantly sprinkled Merkins! Nice!), and it was a great workout.

Stump Hugger
8 years ago

Dromedary has become the breeding ground for double names. Grease Monkey, Flipper. Maybe we can get 2nd Stump Hugger and he can post here for me…

8 years ago

We don’t breed em, and it’s apparently not the only thing we’re known for. But certainly when all the cool kids want to come, you can’t turn them away.
– THE Q at THE Dromedary

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