Devil’s Turn – Kenny Loggins

  • When:04-21-16
  • QIC: Bunker
  • The PAX: Hannibal, Bratwurst, Honey Bee, Utah, Strange Brew, O’Tannenbaum, Hairball, Stumphugger, CheeseCurd, Bunker

Devil’s Turn – Kenny Loggins

What?  Kenny Loggins? Is that the same guy who got married naked….in front of his kids.  Weird.  (true story…look it up).

But, Kenny also sang DangerZone…which is where Devil’s Turn happened to go this week.  YHC was a late replacement for the Q, standing if for HB while he tapers for Big Sur.  This also happened to be YHC’s first official Q (I’ve Q’d an SOBLSD, but never had to break out my phone, have people count off, stumble my way through saying how awesome it is to lead the PAX in a workout, and then write a backblast).

Last week’s pre-blast by HoneyBee was so stunningly elegant that I couldn’t replicate (and I also couldn’t post to the site until this afternoon – thank you wingman)…so I just hoped people would show up for the workout.

The Thang:

0500 – YHC shows up for his new pre-bootcamp workout before the run.  HoneyBee joins after deciding all the running is giving him stick arms and he really wants to be built like The Rock.  The massive pre-bootcamp consisted of 3 sets of Merkins and 3 sets of LBCs…I know…we are wild men to do so much before a run.

0515 – rest of the PAX shows up and we are off.  Plan was to hit DangerZone which is Rea road north of Highway 51 for some 1 mile repeats.  Wait…what highway?  Yes…the Highway to the DangerZone (if I knew how to incorporate a link to Top Gun I would).  Directions were given to stretch if you want (Haggis wasn’t there so no one did), and then take off at your own pace.  Subtle nudging from YHC was to run 1 mile at “comfortably hard” pace and then 1 mile at “slower pace” and then repeat until time.

The Naked Moleskine

StrangeBrew all dressed in white (apparently he was going to a wedding this morning) showed up and stared at YHC and HoneyBee doing the warmup.  “What’s this?  The infamous pre-bootcamp”.  When asked to join, an emphatic “no” was stated…and that was the end of the pre-bootcamp.  And pretty much the last time we saw Brew as he had to leave a little early.

Hairball showed up after putting up a very strong time at Racefest and took off on a blistering pace.  Running mid-6s on the out and sub-8s on the way back.  Apparently he’s not sore from the hills at Racefest…nice job.

Bratwurst was running fast as usual, but his strava activity looks like he had the groovy Swift music still on his mind.

HoneyBee was “tapering” with a few miles in the low-7 range.  Nice taper…he looks strong headed into Big Sur and we all know he’ll do his father-in-law proud and get him into Boston.  #nopressure #dontfailyourwifesdad

Stumphugger was his normal upbeat and cheerful self.  He regaled us with tales of tearing up both knees, hence the DangerZone name.

O’Tannenbaum, CheeseCurd, Utah, and Hannibal all put on strong showings today.  Utah must have run extra credit as he was a little late to COT, but YHC was thankful he showed up and he didn’t lose anyone on the first Q.

Thanks to all who showed and allowed me to lead today.  Another solid Devil’s Turn workout in the books.

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Bunker author

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JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
8 years ago

Nice work Bunker and nice backblast!

Cheese Curd
8 years ago

Bunker…agreed nice BB. Yep, we showed up and we ran. That hill on Rea sucks, I ran it 2x’s getting 6 miles for the day.

As for Strange Brew….he had on all white and that boy needs a tan. I thought a ghost with running shoes came out from the shadows of the parking lot. Also sporting a new haircut since I last saw him!

Honey Bee
8 years ago

Bunker, thanks for taking the lead of this rag tag bunch of running misfits. It has been described like herding cats, but you herded them well. And for that I am grateful. Nice VQ!

8 years ago

Congrats on the VQ! #runthatway #meetbackhere

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