Sweating Out the Nougat

  • When:02/17/16
  • QIC: Alf
  • The PAX: Rachael, Champagne, Purple Haze, Iron Horse (R), Blazing Saddles, Van Pelt (R), Mermaid, Mugatu, Utah, Lorax, Jamboree, Hops, McGee, Lobstah Roll, Horsehead, & Alf (Q)

Sweating Out the Nougat

16 Men picked the right day to show up at Anvil, so we did some work.

Mosey from new parking spot to old parking spot

Roaming COP:

8-Count Body Builders – IC  (Yeah, just like that, we are into it.)

Hold plank and mention that the 1st station of our station work is in the Hot Box – Split Leg Squats and Derkins are the exercise.

Mosey toward playground

Flutters – IC, hold at 6 inches and note that the 2nd station of work in the playground is knees-to-elbows and box cutter (abs)

Mosey to rocks

Jump Squats – IC, hold squat – discuss the third station was to grab a big rock for Overhead Squats and Louganis.

Mosey down to Rea Rd entrance and backwards run up hill.

The Thang:

Run to Station 1, Hot Box, for 10 Derkins, 10 Split-Leg squats, each leg.

Station 2 for 10 knees to elbows and 10 box cutters

Station 3 for 10 Overhead Squats and 10 Louganis

Back down entrance hill, backwards run up, and 10 – 8-count Body Builders

Keep repeating cycle:  Round 2 is 20 reps of each, Round 3, 30 reps, etc.

With 2 minutes left gather at rocks for some mosey/sprint combinations back to cars.

The Moleskine AKA: the stuff you might actually read.  Maybe.

You have to bring it tough to Anvil, no doubt about it.  So between that and Horsehead HC’ing I had to make it painful.  See here’s, the deal.  HH claimed my last Q at Kevlar was “Moderate FIA” level easy.  Admittedly Kevlar wasn’t my best weinke and I have a brand to uphold. HH lets me know yesterday he just ate the top tier of a Whitman’s sampler and needed to sweat out some Nougat and probably some other highly processed food like substances.  Time to bring it Anvil.

I could have brought out all the sandbags and plates for hairburners, but don’t want to be a one trick pony Q, always relying on the toys.  Plus carrying around 500 extra pounds in your trunk kills gas mileage and who can afford gas these days?  All that and I showed up at 5:28 so no time to pull out a bunch of gear.

Rachael and Mermaid pretty much crushed this one.  Left everyone in the dust.  New site Q’s McGee and Lobstah Roll gave a solid chase but they were 8 lengths ahead when Lobstah pulled up lame in the 2nd round.  Hope the knee gets better Lobstah.  Blazing Saddles, Lorax, and Jamboree weren’t far behind.  Hops, Horsehead, and Purple Haze were farther back with HH mumbling something about maintaining proper form.  Appeared that most got half way through the third round and Mermaid and Rachael were a good ways into Round 4.

Great work men.

Apparently the men over at Death Valley tried to creep up on the otherside of the AO while we weren’t there.  Didn’t see them, otherwise we might have had to have an old school gang fight.  In my mind it sounds tough, in reality it would probably be more like Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” video with solid dance moves and awkward stare downs.

Thanks for joining me out there,


Thanks to Hops for the send-off.  Very well done indeed.


March 5, F3 is 5 party.

SOB Balrog CSAUP on 3/12.  Sign up on weekly newsletter so they can get headcount.  Mileage options very from suck to suck real bad.  Go for suck real bad.




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Alf author

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8 years ago

Was definitely hopeful that all the gear did not accompany the Q today. Enjoyed that set and felt better today than have in a while. Saw Lobsta coming down the thoroughfare gimping hard. Asked if OK he gave the affirmative and said it was just his knee. The gimpy hop did not look good nor have I seen that before from Lobsta. Cyborgs don’t get injured. Maybe his M can do a quick knee replacement and he’s back at it. In any case, hope it heals up quick.

When I saw HH in the lot I remembered reading the Kevlar BB and the call-out. Quick figuring in the grey matter and a high level of difficulty was calculated as extremely likely. That, and DZ memories that linger. Alf delivers again. Nicely done. Enjoyed it men. Solid work by all.

8 years ago

That was a solid beatdown of Melmacian proportions. I managed to sweat out most of the Whitman’s, and was thankful that I did not eat the really nasty ones (mystery purple gel, crest toothpaste, or coconut mush flavor) or move into the bottom layer.

8 years ago

and T-Claps to Hops, Haze, and Champagne for actually doing the exercises unlike some of you knuckleheads who just want to be fast

8 years ago

Notice Thunder Road absent from pax list. Left before Q arrived. Alarm in Titan kept going off and unable to stop, so just drove off. Heard him mutter that FOB was busted. Loud alarm there

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