Guaranteed to be Friday at Kevlar

  • When:01/29/16
  • QIC: Alf
  • The PAX: Spackler, Pop Tart, Bounce, Lex Luthor, Back Office, Floor Slapper, Puddin' Pop, Brown, Bull Dog, Tackling Dummy, Harley, Orange Whip, Rhapsody, Simba, Horsehead, Good Hands, Squid, & Alf

Guaranteed to be Friday at Kevlar

So Horsehead said I took the foot of the gas pedal today.  “It was good, but not as hard as your other Q’s”  My apologies to the 18 men of Kevlar if it was too light for you today, see Horsehead and Bulldog for your money back.  Apparently it’s tough to get a good workout in without a bunch of added weight, so maybe next time the sandbags and plates will come back out like the DZ Massacre 2 weeks ago.  Then again, maybe not.  I like to keep it unpredictable.

The Thang:

Extra long circle of pain around the campus.  Mosey with stops for Merkins, Wide Arm Merkins, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Ski Abs, and Diamond Merkins.  Pretty much all planking things to get the shoulders ready.

Grab a rock by the school entrance.  A crappy lightweight selection of rocks for sure.  All the good rocks in the woods have been replaced by the shell of a new school.  This is a travesty, I mean really, what is better contribution to society?  A school to teach the children of our community or a pile of big drainage rocks we can lift once a week?  Hands down its the rocks.

Take the rock to the top of the hill by the church perform called exercise, run to the church, perform another called exercise and back to the top of the hill for another exercise.  We also took a trip over to the Tennis Pagoda or whatever that building is.

Things we did – Curls, overhead presses, tricep extensions, chest presses (a bunch because the rocks were light), Flutter with rock, Louganis with rock, jump squats, calf raises, lunges, peoples chair, suicides sprints along cones with merkins, dips, derkins, and maybe some other stuff.

Return rocks and finish the last minute with Dolly’s.


Pretty simple weinke today.  Run up and down the hill with exercises at top and bottom keeping the heart rate high the whole time.  My original plan was to cadence count the whole thing to keep everyone honest, but I’ve been fighting a bit of a cold which made breathing and counting too much after 25 minutes.  OYO counts were set for the 2nd half of the workout.

Also planned on making more trips to the Pagoda than just one, but some combination of Spackler, Puddin Pop, and others turned the Pagoda into one of Hitler’s Third Reich gas chambers.  Immediate evacuation was required in the face of eminent death.

Rhapsody and Orange Whip were out in front all morning with a solid pace up the hills.  Young blood must help, plus a lot of the veteran’s were nursing some injuries. Bulldog had knee problems, Simba’s getting over a busted paw, Spackler’s back is so bad he is already considering shutting it down for the year, Horsehead has god-awful socks, Floor Slapper is stuck with his wife’s headband, and Brown’s got a nasty case of the man-boobs.

Pop-tart gets extra credit for either carrying his rock back and forth up the hill or finding a new, larger rock somewhere on the course.  Who really knows where it came from.

Thanks to Squid for the send off.

That was fun, let’s do it again next week.





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8 years ago

Don’t get me wrong Alfalfa, it was a good Q. It just didn’t leave me lying on the ground half-dead like your normal Qs do – hence the comment. The meager rock selection was also to blame, as I ended up with a one-hander that wasn’t much of a burden for the exercises.

What did leave me lying on the ground half-dead was all of the wretched gas. What in the world is wrong with you people?

8 years ago

While I can’t speak for all the people, my issue began with Jam Session and ended with Cab. Bad mixture I guess but nothing new.

Puddin Pop
8 years ago

Mine started with Merlot and ended with Pinot. Nothing new for me as well. Mary, it usually has to do with Mary. #primingthepump

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