What are we doing

  • When:01/28/16
  • QIC: All the Pax
  • The PAX: Haggis, Zeiger, Stone Cold, Stump Hugger, Hairball, Gerber, Mr. Brady, The Mouth, Strange Brew, Gumbo, Frasier

What are we doing

Ten men circled up in the parking lot of the greenway to decide what direction we were going since our captain of #F3DevilsTurn had 2.0 duty.

After a few seconds of discussion Haggis spoke up and said #TheDangerZone route since the hills happened last week.  I felt that was a great call thinking it would not be as bad.  But guess what there is a long hill on #TheDangerZone.  By the time we ran the distance up Rea towards the #TheDangerZone Mr. Brady had joined us as well as Zeiger.  I may have misspelled that but that is the best I can do.

On the way up to #TheDangerZone Haggis threw out a plan instead of just running distance.  Some of the Pax took to the idea and others set out at a tempo pace.  Those that choose the interval run did some Brat inspired exercises as best we could without Brat and then set off.  The idea Haggis had was run one mile followed by three minutes of recovery.  The first three sets was Haggis, Gumbo and myself.  Haggis put it out there that he was going for a six minute mile pace.

All and all at some point most of the pax joined in on the interval run.

Observations: The Mouth sandbags when he says he did not have a good run.  He looked fine to me.  Stone Cold despite getting over a cold was pushing hard and did not stop except to respect oncoming traffic (wise).  Hairball decided to set a blistering pace since he was doing just one lap of the #TheDangerZone.  He and Gerber were out front and they were not going to be caught.  Stump Hugger had another successful negotiation of the mud on Rea Rd.  Way to overcome those past demons.  Also great job running with Zeiger.  I know he is new to F3 but in a quick time has shown how strong he is on the runs.  Gerber is fast!  Long strides and quick turnover.  He is a great addition to Ultra team from Area 51 heading down for the Palmetto in March.  I have a feeling my team will not be seeing them much with Slim Fast, Dory, Sensei, Mermaid, Sacagawea and Mr. Brady.  Speaking of Mr. Brady he was getting it done.  In his usual Mr. Brady self came rolling in right after time to start was called.  He quickly caught up.  Despite recovering from an injury he continues to be a beast.  Gumbo took the challenge of all four miles.  He is getting stronger and never looks like he is in pain.  Strange Brew is just flat out faster.  I made the comment that one of the last times we did this section he came in after time because he wanted to get two full rotations.  This time no problem.  That is some serious shaving of time.  Great work.  Another example of pushing yourself and being around other men that push it makes a huge difference.  Lastly Haggis always takes the #RedPill.  I think he invented the #RedPill.  He is always thinking of a way to push his limits and be better.  A great example for all of us.  It goes without saying he is fast.

Announcements: Sign up for the Go Jen Go 5K.  March 5th at 8:00am at the symphony park in SouthPark.  Great course and family friendly event.  Incredible foundation that does a lot of work for people that need support and advocacy with cancer.  The link to sign up is at gojengo.org

Thanks for Honeybee’s leadership with #F3DevilsTurn

Enjoy your day and rest up for your next post.

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Frasier author

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Stump Hugger
8 years ago

For the record this was the only successful run on this route. The time before that was…well…not so great. The skinned knee, the blood, the infection, the allergic reaction, the ER trip. This run was way better and yes I was careful..so careful that The Mouth told me I needed to pick up the pace. Was it fitting that there was an animal carcass where I fell? Tclaps to everyone today! The return hill is wicked – especially if ran twice.

I miss Prohibition who is a regular DT participant.

HH is searching out BB’s to make a comment – here you go

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