Surprise Q or Q surprised

  • When:01/26/2016
  • QIC: Glass Joe
  • The PAX: Countertop, Hairband, Hoodie, Lamont (Respect), Nomad (Respect), Shepherd (Respect), Short Circuit, Glass Joe (QIC)

Surprise Q or Q surprised

Showed up for a quick warm up run and get a text from Turnpike asking if I could start the workout for him as he overslept. Sure, no problem. Do a quick run-by of the playground as we’ve never used that during a workout so why not do something new. Other than black ice on the sidewalk leading to it, it looks willing so off we go…

The Thang
Mosey to the parking lot beside Carolina Courts

SSH IC x30
Look, it’s Short Circuit showing up late. In his honor, 10 Burpees OYO
IW IC x20

Run up to the playground for some station work:
Round 1: 20 reps of Dips, Declines, Donkey Kicks using swings, Step Ups (each leg x20)
Round 2: 25 reps of Dips, Declines, Donkey Kicks using swings, Step Ups (each leg x25)
Continue step ups each time until everyone has finished

Indian Run to the commercial park down the road.

Bear crawl to 1st light pole, merkins x10
Lunge walk to 2nd light pole, merkins x10
Bear crawl to 3rd light pole, merkins x10
Flutters IC until everyone finishes
Guessing 50 yards between light poles but felt like 150 yards between each pole with some of the ice still on the road

Increasing pace run back to the entrance where you increase pace at the light poles with an all out sprint to the last one.

Indian run back to the playground

Round 3: 30 reps of Dips, Declines, Donkey Kicks using swings, Step Ups (each leg x30)
Continue step ups until everyone has finished

Mosey back to the parking lot with our cars

Partner up. Partner 1 runs to the steps, up them, down them and back while Partner 2 does burpees. Flapjack until you’ve combined for 50 burpees. Most teams did 3 or 4 runs. Being on team Countertop helps not have to make that extra last run.
Flutters IC until everyone is finished (I think that’s what we did)

Dolly IC x30
Dolly IC x20
Dolly IC x10
1 min of Protractor


Pray for HBs MRI coming up on Thursday for his knee.
Thanks to Short Circuit who made up for his lateness with a strong prayer reminding us of what we should be about.

Hairband on Q at Overdrive. Bring your kettlebells. Screw my life
Glass Joe on Q at Outland. Do not bring your kettlebell. Maybe a EE split…maybe not if his M has anything to do with it.

Had to make this one up on the fly. And think it worked. The station work sucked. That was a crapload of step ups which if you did them following the sneaky donkey kicks, the legs felt it.
I rarely Q bear crawls. Mostly because I hate them. My eyes got the better of me when I said we were bear crawling all three light poles. I reminded myself why I hate bear crawls on the way to the 1st light pole and promptly decided to change it up for the 1st to 2nd light pole stretch. Nevertheless, the 2nd to 3rd light pole bear crawl was obnoxiously long and terrible.
Saving the burpees until the end seemed to be popular given the groans.
Countertop beasted out those burpees and saved himself from one additional run that most of us got. Countertop could probably auction off being his partner and get some real money out of it.
All the guys worked hard this morning. This Q was not a normal one for me. But it’s probably one that nobody expected and glad to finally use the playground area as that isn’t one we’ve done before. Seems like I continue to take us to new areas each time I Q. There is one additional one that I haven’t used yet….so your anticipation can build now.
Honorary 0.1 count for Turnpike who did pull into the parking lot and then decided ‘Screw this’ and sped out. Come to find out that it was an emergency Elvis. Good call brother.
Thanks for letting me lead and not heckling me too bad for it. Hoping it was the toughness that kept the heckling down.

Glass Joe

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Glass Joe author

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Hair Band
8 years ago

“This Q was not a normal one for me. But itโ€™s probably one that nobody expected…”
Well yeah, since Turnpike was supposed to Q. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Good stuff, thanks to my knee and a little modifications Shepherd was spared some burpees. I had a good mix of real burpees, spartan/flying squirrel burpees and merkins so it was a little quicker than full on burpees but I did do some extra merkins to make up for the modification.

Also between the ice and forgetting my knee brace I was even slower and more careful than normal but appreciate getting out there with you guys. What I did was way more than a #fartsack would have been.

Do not fear the kettlebells Friday, it will NOT be 0.0… But, less running does not mean your heartrate won’t go up.

Bring one if you got one, show up even if you don’t have one there will be some extras. You could even bring dumbells if you have them. A little awkward but still can work.

Drop Thrill
8 years ago

If TP would stop playing Candy Crush so much he’d have more time for sleep and other activities. LOL

Hair Band
Reply to  Drop Thrill
8 years ago

When you coming back out DT?!

Drop Thrill
8 years ago

I’m trying something else with my back, as soon as the pain stops I’ll be back.

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