16 Pax posted and Olympus welcomed some new faces today (some from Ascent and Mint Hill) who were looking for an unconventional Power Plus Cardio HIIT workout. The focus of the routine was to Push, Pull or Drag a lot of HEAVY weight and at the end, we even pulled each other. Here’s how it went down…
The Thang:
Warm Up: Hairburner Races – Partner up into 7 teams
– P1 pushes plate approx. 60 yards
– P2 performs 8 Count Body Builders until P1 returns
– Flapjack
– 3 Rounds, with each round the winning team doesn’t have to perform Burpees; losing 6 teams have to perfoom the number of Burpees (depending on what place they finished)
GEAR TIME: Partner up
– Form in to 2 groups; P1 joins group in Kettle Bell Circle and performs non-stop exercises until P2 finishes with Gear Station
– P2’s group line up to move HEAVY gear to cones and back
– Flapjack; Rinse and Repeat for 12 cycles
Stations Included (cones approx 80 yards total; 40 yards to cone and back):
100 Lbs Fire Hose Drag
100 Lbs Chain Pull
125 Lbs Sled Pull
135 Lbs Sandbag Carry
135 Lbs Ollie Bar Carry
90 Lbs Kettle Bell
Inch Worm with Plate
Kettle Bell Exercises Included:
KB Swing; Goblet Squat, High Pull, Snatch, 1 Hand Swings; KB Lunge; “Get ups with KB”; Overhead Press; etc.
TUG OF WAR: With 100 Lbs Fire Hose
– 3 Rounds
– Losing team penalized with 20 Burpees; Winning Team 10 Burpees
– T1 2 – T2 1
– LBC, FLutter, Russian Twists
Great efforts all around today. Nothing worse in F3 than Hair Burners and Burpees, so we made sure to get our full dose today! It was a pleasure meeting some of the new guys and hope to see you again. It’s my son’s birthday party today, so can’t type more, Sound off in Comments if you noticed something that is worth mentioning.
As always, it was an honor to lead the team today.
The Hoff
Witch Doctor’s Virgin Q at Olympus next week
Thursday Matthews Sports Complex – Form Teams
Jan. 9th Joe Davis Run
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