Ring of Fire, baby

  • When:11/14/15
  • QIC: Ice9
  • The PAX: Snowflake, Bratwurst, Howie, Popeye, T-ball, Mr. Miagi, Cheddar, Silicon, Ice9, Camacho, Frack, Doc McStuffins, Posse, Short Circuit

Ring of Fire, baby

Many of the Commitment faithful are running the Spartan Beast this morning, so I figured it might be a small turnout. Not so much.  13 steely faces stared back at me in the gloom, unflinching against the cold.  Time to get to work.

Warm Up

  • SSH
  • Mountain-climbers
  • Mosey to the track, stopping for punctuated planking

Main Event

  • Ring of Fire. Do a lap at a hot pace. At the finish, do 10 reps each of a leg, chest, and then abdominal exercise.  We did a bunch of these, stopping when the pax seemed ready to revolt, or just leave.
  • Walking Merkins. Bear crawl with each step followed by a merkin.
  • Burn it Out. Dips, then knee-ups on the wall.  Starting at 20 reps each, then 15, then 5, then 10.
  • Burpees in cadence. No description necessary.
  • Can’t remember whether we did something else here.

End Game

  • Mosey to the side-wall, punctuated by planking.
  • People’s chair, with some legs up and some air presses
  • Partner carry to the front lot
  • SSH, mountain climbers, plank jacks, ab work

COT.  Great take out by Snowflake.


  • I love these men. What is better than getting up before the sun rises and giving it your all? I am very blessed.
  • Snowflake.  How can I say enough about my friend, and our leader? The man is 54, many marathons under his belt, completely jacked, near the front always, and yet always thinking about others, rather than himself.  He is a beast with all three Fs.
  • Short circuit looking fast out there today. One of the things interesting about F3 is being able to see a man hitting his stride. Not many arcs have been steeper than Short circuit’s lately — he is posting, and it shows.  Pretty soon, he will be catching Bratwurst, who is my own personal hero.
  • T-ball, Posse, Cheddar, and Popeye all have that look in their eyes — they can see the gains from this work, and have no quit in them. I brought it today nearly as hard as I would in metro, and they were still smiling by the end.
  • Camacho and Frak were killing the dips, and showing strength.  I stayed away from the rocks today to ensure they would not make me feel puny.
  • Miagi, McStuffins, and Silicon are absolute beasts.  Look for them to join the Q line-up soon.
  • And how about Howie?  There is zero chance I would be out here at his age.  Zero. Mad respect.  Will be awesome to see him grow: expecting great things.

An absolute pleasure to be with you all this morning.

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Ice9 author

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9 years ago

Always a pleasure, and by that I mean miserable, to post for a Ginger Rage beatdown. Pushes the Pax to their limits, and pushes himself further. #unbreakable
#Commitment is blessed to have such a dedicated group posting regularly! 13 Pax when there are two conflicting events the same morning? Starfish in action.
Look it up –

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