A different CSAUP-F3 Triathlon

A different CSAUP-F3 Triathlon

Disclaimer: This is not for everyone. If you are not ready to get out of your comfort zone please move on.

If you are looking for a CSAUP that can push you to the edge, you might want to keep reading. In my humble opinion a triathlon is the best way to go deep into a pain cave and to find moments of clarity to pull you out.

YHC and 4 others in Metro competed in a Half Ironman in September (3 Hates, 1 Aye, 1 Respect). Each and every one of us will tell you how awesome/terrible it was. YHC beat my expected time by racing the F3 men that were with me, and I was fortunate to finish first #ISI. Experiencing the race with my F3 Brothers was the highlight of my CSAUP year! Backblast here: F3 70,3

We are going to sign up for another one or two in 2016 and want to give you an opportunity to join us for some beers/food to discuss some plans. We will also discuss how to trained with F3 workouts weekly to prepare.

We will be meeting 8pm, Wednesday (11/11) at Bricks located 7814 Fairview Rd (near Ben & Jerry’s).

If you have done or are interested in learning please join us. YHC hopes to see you there!

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Cannoli author

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