3minutes ain’t that long

  • When:10/27/15
  • QIC: Bratwurst
  • The PAX: Chipotle, One Niner, Ringer, Geronimo, Kid Rock, Honeybee, Strange Brew, Bratwurst, Cheddar, Tootie, Gumbo

3minutes ain’t that long

at #F3Swift on Tuesday, 7 PAX decided Extra Credit is mandatory, 1 saw fit for the full hour, and 3 late bloomers at least decided they would get a partial 55 minute workout for the day.


  • warmup of 1mi with the usual drills between street lights. Head up to the Bull Ring.
  • 3min Hard (aka I-pace, 2 mile Race pacepace, Interval pace, or VO2max) and 3min jog recovery.
  • Repeato 5x (total of 6) over varied stretches of road that were fairly flat and devoid of road obstructions.
  • Cooldown back to COT, but 5 minutes early incurred the Bagpipe penalty of Mermaid’s closing COP.


  • Biggest 0500 group so far.  So big that when we made it back to the parking lot, there was only one or two pax to add for the full hour.  Another reason for the extra 15 minutes – you get to decide if your wardrobe selection was appropriate for the day.  Apparently hoodies are OK for warm-up, OneNiner went “hooded” and HoneyBee found that “unhooded” his “hoodie” kept coming around his shoulder and wanting to talk to him.  Back at the cars, often extra layers are shed or Strange Brew confirms that his choice of sleeveless apparel was spot on.  Kid Rock was decked in fleece from head to toe, but the upper half eventually got peeled off towards the end of the workout.  Testament to the hard work and fairly mild temps of the morning – felt much warmer than 48 degrees on the thermometer and the slight breeze only in one direction.
  • Found a little more of the terrain of the business park this AM.  Some PAX remarked how they will have to come back in the day time to figure out where we were at some points.  Even looking at the Strava replays doesn’t help sometimes, dark streets with buildings that look the same can get you turned around.
  • Perhaps that explains why it took Cheddar, Gumbo, and Tootie a little while to find us after showing up a little past 0515.  Without explicit directions on the Preblast, their noses found the way.
  • Honeybee seems just about ready to throw down at Thunder Road 26.2 in a few weeks.  Those longer intervals seemed to suit him, but Kid Rock kept things close while burning through his multiple layers.  OneNiner found an extra gear to close the gap on the last interval and everyone benefited from the nice downhill.
  • Thankful that Brew reads the Preblast and sets the workout on his watch.  When we get strung out, it’s helpful to have another “beep beep beeping” watch in the pack so that everyone gets an honest start and stop.
  • Chipotle has been showing up at Swift and Mountain Goat pretty consistently.  Look out for Joe Davis, but he’s already showing big gains.
  • Next Tuesday is shaping up to be a mixture of what we’ve had during September (R-pace) and the last two weeks (I-pace).  Should be fun.
  • Prayers for Tootie and his M and their 2.1- she was born early and will be coming home from the hospital soon.


  • Joe Davis Run – sign up now!
  • Timekeeper will kick off a new book “The Meaning of Marriage” by Tim Keller next Tuesday at 0630.

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Bratwurst author

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Strange Brew
Strange Brew
9 years ago

I know 3 min doesn’t sound long but I have to admit that these were pretty hard, which is why we do them and which is why I’m glad for the other pax and the push it provides.

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