Backblast – Anvil 10/28

  • When:10/28/15
  • QIC: RedRocks
  • The PAX: Lorax, Brushback, Utah, O'tannanbaum, Thunderoad, Icky Shuffle, Fragile, Lobster Roll, Mermaid, VanPelt, Runstopper

Backblast – Anvil 10/28

Rain was nothing but the backdrop to a beautiful morning as 12 devoted men left the ponchos at home and laced up the kicks for RedRocks’ first Q.  Disclaimer was announced and somehow those in attendance believed enough in RedRocks to follow him.  This is how it went…

Warm-up run around the front of church to the Rea Road side parking lot

Timed warm-up — 1 min of each of SSH, Imp Walker, Mount Climber, Freddie Merc, Merk

Getin our rocks off — 21 reps of curl, overhead chest press, tricep ext, front lat lift…pass rock to left and repeat

Station work — Run from church to Starbucks and shopping center (south on Rea towards greenway).  3 stations placed throughout shopping center and greenway entrance area.  Station 1: – 25 reps of derkins.  Station 2: 12 free standing sqauts & 12 sister may catherines.  Station 3: 25 merkins.  Repeat 3 times

Brisk run back to starting point.

End of workout

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Drop Thrill
9 years ago

I just mentioned this morning at Pain Academy that every time I posted at Anvil (which wasn’t that many times) it rained. Ha!

9 years ago

Great job with the VQ Red Rocks. Tough workout, well executed. Look forward to Friday. Thanks for stepping up to lead

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