59 Shopping Days Left

  • When:10/27/15
  • QIC: Van Pelt
  • The PAX: Alf, Turkey Leg, Mr. Brady, Purple Haze, Ironsides, Hopper, Fault Line, Prohibition, Booya, Dollywood, Duct Work, Van Pelt

59 Shopping Days Left

With only 59 shopping days to Christmas, 12 PAX dodged the rain to prepare themselves for the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

The Thang

A quick lap around the parking lot, with high knees, buttkickers, and karaoke, was all we needed to check off the mandatory stretch before the workout.  Proceed to workout.

Gather at end of driveway.  First two items on Santa’s list—monkey humpers and running with scissors.  Run down Strawberry Lane to gravel road and perform 15 MHs.  Run back to school driveway and perform 15 R w/ S.  Rinse and repeat.

With varying speeds, head to Raintree between Windbluff and Smokerise.  Next items on Kris Kringle’s list are merkins and squats.  Leg 1—Windbluff to the curve in the road (For Sale sign was marker) and perform 15 squats; back to starting point on Raintree.  Leg 2—Smokerise cul-de-sac and peform 15 merkins; back to start.  Goal was to complete at least 4 legs (accomplished by all), with the fasties knocking out 6 and the middies completing 5 legs.  Gather at starting point for some Mary (LBC, flutter, and Rosalita) for all to finish.

Obligatory double Indian Run back to school.  Finished.


With rain pounding all night and the forecast ominous, YHC was thankful the rain held out for the hour.  There wasn’t a really good Plan B.

Hopper, prepping for the Savannah marathon in 2 weeks, almost blows out an ankle on speed bumps.  Recovers in time to pick back up on mumble chatter.  Best wishes in the marathon.

Once again, Mr. Brady and Turkey Leg are spooky fast, knocking out an extra 2 legs.

The M called during the name-o-rama, dis-enabling the Voice Note feature.  Smart Phone/Not-so-smart Q.  Luckily, with only 12 PAX, YHC was able to recreate.  Whew.

Welcome to Site FNG Booya.  Good to run with you this morning.  Keep on twitchin’.

The Smokerise/Windbluff combo is  a tough one.  However, we managed to get in 5.5 to 7.1 miles, depending on how many legs were completed.  Solid work by all.

Glad no one got hurt on Indian Run.  We dodged cars, potholes, limbs, Santa’s reindeer, and each other as we hustled back to the parking lot like we were headed to Black Friday sales events.


None.  We were tired.

YHC took us out in prayer.

About the author

Van Pelt author

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8 years ago

Thanks VP! I like the “Humper” name switch during COT due to almost tripping over the speed bumps, although my M would likely wonder what I am up to early on Tuesday mornings if I maintained that name…..I appreciate the good luck wishes and thanks to all of the FT crowd who has helped me train in some way or another just by pushing.

Great Q today VanPelt. Painful, but great!

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