0.0 I think not! Oh wait let’s add some Burpees as well!

0.0 I think not! Oh wait let’s add some Burpees as well!

Glass Joe decided it would be a good idea to poke the bear yet again! He claimed that it would be a 0.0 kind of workout. Well he soon found out that would not be the case. Oh, and just for some added fun there will be Burpees along the way.

The Thang:

Hairband Mile


SSH x 20 IC

Everyone seemed to be good time to roll!

Let’s Mosey

Line it up for a long Indian Run around the site!

I decided that it was time for the PAX to get to enjoy the fresh air with a nice group run! Stop at the stop sign and do 20 Burpees OYO!

Once done line it up again! We are going back the same way we came. Indian Run back to shovel flag. Upon return 20 Burpees.

Lets Mosey to the Circle of Benches! Plank until all PAX arrive.

So the idea of this next workout was to have all 10 PAX run as well as doing some called exercises. One at a time a PAX member would run to the building across the parking lot while the rest do called exercises. Each man ran while the following 10 Exercises were called.

Merkins x 2
Dolly (Except CT) more on this in a minute.
Burpees x 3

So when it was Countertops turn on the run I had called out Burpees as the called exercise. I saw the disappointment on his face and we all saw the what the heck I want more Burpees body language he had. So I decided while the next man ran I would call out Dolly’s for everyone but Countertop. Because he was so upset he would be doing some Burpees.

Once all members of the PAX had there shot to run it was time to mosey.

Mosey we did right to the sand volleyball court.

Bear crawl across the court and do 10 Burpees

Crab Walk back and do 10 more Burpees.

Mosey to the peninsulas.

Round 1:

Sprint to the second peninsula and do 20 LBC’S

Sprint back and do 10 Burpees! I believe this would make just about 100 Burpees for all the PAX.

Round Two:

Same concept except after this first sprint we did 20 Squats. After sprint back we did 20 Carolina Dry Docks

Line it up time for Indian Run back to shovel flag for some Mary


Flutter X 20 IC
Freddy Mercury X 20 IC
Rosalita X 20 IC
Dolly X 20 IC

And we’re done!

Great to see DT out there this morning thanks for coming out brother! Always an honor to have you out in the gloom with us all.

Welcome Fender Bender who made the drive out from Anson County. Great work this morning!

HB glad your knee is continuing to heel and your able to continue to push yourself on those runs.

Always an honor to lead you gentlemen in the gloom!

HB thanks for taking us out!


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Turnpike author

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9 years ago

Great turnout out there this AM. Double digits already on a new workout, with 90% rain forecasted to boot.

This is a good AO. Doesn’t look that huge on the map, but there is a lot of open area out there. My demented #hamsterwheel was already turning with some workout ideas.

Not sure what Glass Joe had going out, but Mr. #Outsidevoice was fired up this AM – finishing up the workout by wallowing loudly in a mud puddle making poot bubbles is certainly one way to do it.

Looks like Happy found the “Gear for the Gloom” link on the Mudguard website. Head to toe in F3 winter gear on a 50deg morning. Need to get some shorts to go over those tights though . . .

Countertop revoking his #weekendwarrior status. He told me that he would be there every Tuesday from now on – scouts honor.

Never getting in the sand.

Reply to  Horsehead
9 years ago

*Mudgear website

Hair Band
9 years ago

Was already exhausted and had to pick up my daughter late last night didn’t get to bed until 12 or 12:30 and almost fartsacked until I remembered I posted on Facebook I would be there. That was an #HardCommit and I do not regret it, I am super tired right now but do not regret being at the beatdown. Solid work by all this morning.

Thrilled I am running more (whoa, did I type that?) and great to see DT back at it!

By the way I am getting in touch with the mudgear guys today to see if we can open back up the ordering. I will let everyone know what happens.

Glass Joe
9 years ago

I had poked the bear and the bear looks at me during Mary and looks at the water puddle I avoided and challenged me. Thus I had to swim. The secret sauce is that I had brought a change of clothes. Which CT leaned over and confirmed with me after I had already sat in the puddle. Thanks buddy for the concern….afterwards. 🙂

Great to see Fenderbender out there. He was EH’d to Anson though he lives only 1-2 miles from EE and I. And he works in IT so great to see him join us. I get the feeling with his military background that he is enjoying it which makes him a perfect fit for our bunch of weirdoes.

Awesome crowd out there. Good to see double digits last week in Overdrive and this week in Thrive. Plant the shovel flag and they will come.

Reply to  Glass Joe
9 years ago

I see the Fenderbender improved #nospaces spelling has taken effect. Good move adopting this early.

Drop Thrill
9 years ago

I like how everyone wanted it to rain but me and so Glass Joe gave up and laid down in a puddle at the end to compensate for not being wet.

I pray away the rain, and most of the time it works. I think that’s the secret (God, not me).

Very nice AO with lots of possibilities.

I was being all pissy in my mind about getting left by the pax, but then by the end I was back in the right frame of mind. My back issues seem they are going to be here for a while, so I just do what I can. Which is frustrating some days when I can’t run fast enough to keep up, because my back will start hurting.

Anyway, thanks Horsehead for the Word of the Day. Glad to know you liked my new workout shirt.

Hair Band
Reply to  Drop Thrill
9 years ago

Hey brother you were out there and that is always more than a #fartsack.

I’m not fast either and still working through that since I am very cautious about pushing too hard yet. But I know once I catch up then the 2ndF kicks back in and all is good. #AlwaysPushedAlwaysPushing

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