Grandma Partner Challenge

  • When:10/23/15
  • QIC: Witch Doctor
  • The PAX: Stage Coach, Cottontail, BOGO, Blazing Saddles, Destiny (R), Backdraft, Dollywood, Flutie Flakes, Header, Turkey Leg, Lobsta Roll, Bulldog, Baracas, Witch Doctor (Q), Lettuce (FNG), Wishbone (FNG), Sweeney Todd (FNG)

Grandma Partner Challenge

2nd Q this week…  Thankfully today was much warmer that Tuesday morning!

17 PAX, including 3 FNGs came out for what they didn’t expect…

Mosey to the football field


  • SSH
  • Alternating arm overhead lunge
  • Peter Parker Merkin
  • Drop squats
  • Wide MTN Climbers
  • MTN Climbers
  • Lateral Lunge
  • Burpees

Partner up with someone around your fitness level and meet in the endzone.  Stay with your partner for the rest of the workout.

Suicides 10, 25, 50 yard lines

Then 25, 50, 75, 100, twice – finish facing Grandma.

We divided up in to Group A & B partner groups.  Group A – Hill Sprints, Group B – exercise, then flapjack after each round with the following exercises:

  • Jumping lunges
  • Merkins
  • Plank hold – arms reached out in front
  • Jump Squats
  • Partner hand-slap merkins

Everybody take a lap and return to face Grandma.  Then as a group, still with your partner:

  • Hill Sprint
  • 10 Burpees
  • Hill Sprint
  • 10 T-Merkins, each arm
  • Hill Sprint
  • Scissors
  • Hill Sprint

Meet back at the endzone…  Not the far endzone.

One more round of suicides: 25, 50, 75, 100 yard line.

Mosey back to the parking lot.

CUP, 10 Drop squats to finish up.


  • As always, thanks for the opportunity to lead.  I’m not sure I would have shown up if I wasn’t Q this morning.
  • Reflections on my first round of Qs (Matrix, Skunkworks, Meathead, Jevlar)
    • Things never quite go as plan or imagined.
    • Counting in cadence is not as hard as y’all made it out to be.
    • Always have more stuff planned than you may need, somethings take a lot less time than expected, somethings take a lot more time than expected.
    • It’s not as easy as just showing up and being told what to do.  Respect for all who step up to lead.
  • Catch me on Q next at Olympus on Halloween to see how nasty this Witch can get.  I promise some new gear for this one.

About the author

WitchDoctor author

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9 years ago

It sounds like a good lead, WD. Sorry to miss it, but I’m in taper mode for my first Mud Run. Strong work on all the Qs lately and I agree with all of your observations.

Hopefully I can catch you at Olympus, but it depends on how the Halloween party the night before goes.

9 years ago

Nice workout pal. I would just like to point out that the A-Team looked a lot more spritely then the B team this morning . Like the way you introduced some new exercises to the mix. Thank you for stepping up and leading

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