We Got Spirit Yes We Do

  • When:10/20/15
  • QIC: Frasier
  • The PAX: Hammer, Purple Haze, Baracus, Turkey Leg, Hopper, Prohibition, Joker, Alf, Hairball, Ironsides, Niles (FNG), Cane, Van Pelt, Dollywood, Margo, Gerber, Chelms, Lorax, Huggie Bear, Fault Line, Bottom Feeder, Madison, Utah, Frasier

We Got Spirit Yes We Do

The gauntlet was thrown down last week by me last week in the back blast about Gamecocks being quitters.  Haze almost invoked his site Q amendment of taking the Q away from me.  As luck had it he did not.  The conversation did turn in the direction of which college would have the most representatives.  I believe the Hokies edged out the Mighty Mountaineers but you can sound off in the back blast.  I know we had four Mountaineers.

Disclaimer was given since we had an FNG in the group, my little brother and off we went into the dark.  We did fellowship pace, although it is hard to tell who is running beside you because it is so dark, until we got to the intersection of rounding run and rounding run.  There the Q got some grief about the “Swift” like warm up.  I say if it works then everyone should be doing it.  I would think that some of us, Haze, would appreciate warming up the calves.

After the warm up the Rounding Run time trail was set.  Give it all you got for .8 of a mile.  Remember your finishing position so you can be matched up for the next phase.  This proved slightly difficult because some pax struggle with remembering their number and the corresponding number when there are twenty four guys.  The darkness did not help either.  Either way we got it figured out and the instructions were given.

Four rounds with partner one going in the opposite direction of partner two on Rounding Run.  Once you meet you do the called exercise.  Then you run in the same direction you came with the idea that the faster runner will get the challenge of the extra mileage.  You meet back with your partner at the intersection of Rounding Run and Rounding Run.  There you do five merkins and then set out for the next round.

Round one five 180 degree jump squats.

Round two five sit ups while partner holds plank on feet.

Round three five partner merkins.

Round four five burpees.

Mary is started while waiting on the six or a car that may or may not be coming down the road.  LBC and Freddie Mercury was called.

Mosey to the intersection of Woodfox and Rounding Run for some suicides.  Run from Rounding Run down Woodfox using the first three light post as your turn around.  Wait for the bus to pull through as the six returns.

Now running down Woodfox you alternate between light post doing mosey then AYG between each light post until you hit Strawberry Ln.  Wait on the six and then head over to the parking lot of the AO for gasers.

I think we did ten AYG about 100 meters a piece.

Done!  Minimal complaining.

Moleskin: I have not had the opportunity to post at #F3FastTwitch in a while since my wife is working some Tuesdays now.  It is great to see how many guys are coming out each week.  Hopefully some of the new pax will be willing to lead soon.  Basically you just run around for an hour.  It is not that hard.

My bad on not being detailed enough on the first round about running back the way you came.  Those that did not do that should apologize to their partner.

Joker is always pushing it out there.  The usual crew up front today.  It is exciting to see how fast so many pax has gotten faster over the past year.  Not nearly as many pax holding their knees after rounds.

It is great seeing Utah continuing to come out to one of the hardest workouts in the region.  It is a great testament to the guys that got your come out and keep encouraging one another.

Chelms was up to his usual false starts.  It is always fun to see how he can cut corners.  #creative

Personally speaking it was great having my brother post for the first time, Niles.  He said he was sore but really loved it.  Might even get him out to the Maul tomorrow.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead as usual TL and PH.

Everyone enjoy their day.

Announcements: Haze and Simba are starting a group to explore and learn about what it means to be a Christian.  12:00 Midwoods BBQ in Midwood.  Hit up Haze or Simba if you are interested.

Mudrun link for payment for the buses is up and needs to be paid pronto.


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Frasier author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
8 years ago

I realize Mountaineers, Hokies and Gamecocks need extra time for instruction to understand but that does not mean I have to wait on them. Plus, being slow means I have to start early in order to not get lost.

8 years ago

At least 5 Hokies… Joker, Alf, Turkey Leg, Abacus and Hair Ball.

Special shout out to my partner today – Huggie Bear – the guy comes to a lot of the hardest workouts and gets stronger each week… in fact, I’m going to call him an honorary Hokie for the day given his #lunchpail mentality.

I still can’t catch Turkey Leg on the hills… I’m going to shed 50 pounds or so over the holidays… come back in January weighing about 145lbs… will be ready for you TL…

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Joker
8 years ago

Abacus was not there and is a Tarheel.

Reply to  Joker
8 years ago

Baracus was the 5th Hokie. Solid Q Frasier. I enjoyed all of it, except for the running parts. Hope the large group of PAX keeps coming out after the mud run. Everyone is getting stronger and there really wasn’t a big separation from first to last on the time trial.

8 years ago

Yes, I was there. Doubled-down at FT & Swift this a.m.

8 years ago

Wait…are we crowning the champs as which school had the most people show up, or which has the most guys up front? Or would it make a difference?

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