Creative or Confusing?

  • When:08/19/2015
  • QIC: Honey Bee
  • The PAX: Bananas, Enron, Silicon, Bratwurst, Chanel, Honey Bee

Creative or Confusing?

Prior to Dromedary proper, 2 men set off into the darkness to run in large complex circles.  They happened upon a bald man in a black truck snooping round the AO and then were almost run over by someone driving on the sidewalk.  After these encounters, 1 man (Stump Hugger) set off in his vehicle for a “meeting” and became labelled First In First Out (FIFO).

The other man (Bratwurst) joined 5 other men mulling around the parking lot and once 5:30 struck, the disclaimer was disclaimed, and warnings were voiced, the 6 man wolfpack entered the darkness.

After crossing the large parking lot and finding where all the buses in Union Co. park, a COP was called and the warmup began.  10 counts each of merkins, mtn climbers, low slow squats, Mr. Miagi’s, IW, and reverse lunges.  Now warm, the PAX continued onto the football field where Bratwurst almost refusniked due to the slight moisture present on the grass.  After some chastening, he was brought on board for the first real COP.

Exercise 1: 8 count burpees x 10.  We experimented with and without a called 8.  YHC recommends saying the 8, Bratwurst finds it confusing.  The rest of the PAX didn’t seem to care and just made fun of us for arguing about it.

Exercise 2: 10 x a yet unnamed move described by Bananas as “the roll around on the ground and stand up exercise.” It was actually intended to be a reverse burpee with a heals to heaven, situp, and deck squat, then reverse back to the ground.  It hypothetically could have been done to a count of 6, but the moves all strung together.  At this point, Enron and Silicon almost denounced F3 due to this exercise’s seemingly pointless nature.  However, they stayed for no reason other than to see where this train wreck was headed.

The two exercises were repeated a second time through.  Bratwurst Q-jacked the second reverse burpee set and tried to call cadence, which was actually worse than the first time making 6 moves into a 9 or 10 count.  However, since he is co-site Q, he was given this leeway.

Before moving to the next set, we virtually had to peel Chanel off the oversized tractor tire located on the side of the field.  He may have been caught later trying to load it in the back of his workout mobile.  If you get a call from the Union Co. Sheriff, you know why.

The PAX then headed over to the hill by the baseball diamond for sloppy 11’s.  Bottom was plank up-and-downs (probably a better name for this) and top was jump squats.  The mumble chatter was non-existent during this portion of the workout as it was intense.  However, there were basically 6 Larry Birds out there today as everyone kept in near perfect sync.  Once complete, a couple 10 counts brought the heart rate back to a manageable level.

An AYG sprint up the hill led us to the benches where 3 rounds of 20 dips and LBC’s were performed followed by a partner up for leg throw downs in the middle of the field.  Although suggested by Bananas, this move was not coupled with a squat which would take it in a whole different direction.  2 rounds each of the exercise meant that the person laying on the ground basically got rained on from the person standing up.  Very distracting while trying to lift your legs aggressively.

A quick jog back past all the idling buses to get some diesel in the lungs brought us back to the original launch point in time for some Mary to finish things off.  Dolly, Rosalita, Mason Twist, J-Lo’s, Monkey Humpers, Heals to Heaven, and a sprint up and down the parking lot completed the mayhem.

The Moleskine:

Pretty much an experimental workout today with some strange exercises.  There is probably a reason that no one recommends reverse burpees.  They are just awkward.  Some of the other experimental exercises had some comedic factor, but it seemed that once 5 or 6 reps were completed, the laughter died off as the pain set in.  Hopefully, today shocked a few of those under utilized muscles or at least made you laugh a little.


– October Mudrun preblast is up Link



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Honey Bee author

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Cheese Curd
Cheese Curd
8 years ago

Confusing…I looking for a Devils Turn update then read, what I think was the Dromedary BB. So effective way for directing traffic to your BB…

I assume you have DT on the brain for tomorrow…

Reply to  Cheese Curd
8 years ago

Check for DevilsTurn preblast now.

Honeybee, my comment card was turned in. You got an 8 for creativity (an engineer that can’t name an exercise scores no higher), a 9 for effectiveness of the overall quality (got to save those 10s for room to improve), and a 1 for moisture factor. There are several ponds and creeks nearby that could help raise your paltry moisture score. Would be glad to have you back any time!

8 years ago

Good job out there today HB, felt like we were rucking after sopping up all the water from the field. I could barely get through those leg throw downs, bad visuals and awkward moments. To boot you combined that with J-Lo’s and Monkey Humpers, you are a sick individual sir.

It was a good workout and good laughs, perfect start to the day.

8 years ago

No two workouts are even close to the same at The Drom. Two things remain consistent though, it’s hard and hilarious. A fun group and some smack talk goes a long way in getting through the beating. I picture some peripheral legs and core pain sinking in. Nice work HB.

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