A beatdown in three acts

  • When:07/18/15
  • QIC: Dear Abby
  • The PAX: Hopper, Mighty Might, Tuck, Skoal (FNG - Kevin) , Baracus, Yankee

A beatdown in three acts

A wise man, I believe it was Mike Tyson, once said that everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. That’s how I usually feel when I’m leading a workout. And it was true again today, when 7 men chose to start their Saturday with a beatdown that took full advantage of the beautiful AO that The Rock provides. At least a few of them instantly regretted their decision but came to embrace it. Here’s why:

The thang

Short mosey to one of the parking lots for a disclaimer slightly more effusive than usual, for we had in our midst an FNG.

SSH x 20
IW x 10
Windmill x 5
Mountain climber x 20

Head over to the North Face as the #mumblechatter increases. Don’t do it! they cried. We did it anyway.

11s on the North Face. Jump squats at the bottom; hand release merkins at the top. Run the loop around and continue.

Quick plankorama to gather the pax. End Act 1

Intermission: Mosey to the cars with a set of lunge walks and reverse lunge walks for the heck of it. Quick run by the cars to get a gulp of water and to retrieve sandbags from my car.

Act 2
Partner up, with speed mattering some. With seven people, this made the math a little tricky for a man who felt like he’d been punched in the head by the North Face.

Partner group 1 took the sandbag and ran to entrance four and back, swapping the bag as necessary
Partner group 2 took another sandbag and ran to entrance one and back, swapping as necessary
The remaining three pax grabbed a rock and completed rounds of 10 x curls, 10 x OHP, 10 x tricep extensions. Three or four rounds.
Swap until everybody had the chance to complete all the stations.
End Act 2

Act 3

Circle up for Mary
LBC x 20
Dolly x 20
Heels to heaven x 20
Freddy Mercury x 20

Plank in place while each person takes a turn running around the circle and back to his spot
Repeat with elbow plank
Repeat with regular plank, while the running man leaps/hops/skips over everybody’s feet.

AYG sprint across the parking lot
AYG left spring back
End Act 3



–Thanks very much to Gummy and Hopper for giving me the opportunity to lead this morning, even if somehow YHC didn’t get the memo until yesterday. I probably just didn’t write it down. #whoops #Qfail

–T-claps to Hopper for logging in 4 miles of pre-run today.

–Mighty Might killed it on the AYG springs at the end, even if he was trying to diminish expectations the whole time.

–Welcome to FNG Skoal. Thanks for bringing him out, Yankee. Hope to see you back, brother. Somebody pointed out the irony in a man named Yankee bringing out a dude in a Braves hat. I like it.

–Prohibition gave me some serious side-eye at Coffeteria for defecting to The Rock this week instead of Day Zero. Sorry, dude. I’m trying to be a peacemaker. But remind me, which workout had more people today?

–During the week, I’m happy with just a 45 minute pain fest. On the weekends, I always hope for just a little bit of fun thrown in. Not sure if today qualified. I find the North Face fun (at least the first two or three times up), and I was hoping the sandbag runs would introduce enough 2nd F to lift the pax’s spirits. #embracethesuck

–We logged 3+ miles according to the Garmins/FitBits/etc

Thanks again. Enjoy your weekend.

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Dear Abby author

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8 years ago

Stellar workout Dear Abby! You se the tone with 11’s on North Face right out of the gate (I have never done 11’s there before…..that’s a beat down). I like how you brought a little (hear me Prohibition….a little) of DZ via the sandbags, but honored The Rock AO by incorporating, well….rocks, at the same time. Smoker session! Thanks and we will work on our scheduling efforts.

Skoal, great showing for FNG status. Keep coming back out and thanks for bringing him Yankee!

Gummy and I have the Q next weeek.

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