We have a pond in the back. We have a pool and a pond… Pond’d be good for you.

  • When:05/16/2015
  • QIC: Gummy
  • The PAX: Buttermaker, Voodoo, Flipper, Deep Dish, Hammer, Hopper (QIC), Gummy (QIC)

We have a pond in the back. We have a pool and a pond… Pond’d be good for you.

7 grown men showed up at The Rock this morning. With the shovel flag properly planted, and the PAX properly disclaimed, Hopper led us out into the wild parking lots of Calvary Church.

Warmup (Hopper Q)
Jog (editor’s note: too fast for a warmup) over to the parking lot near North Face. Foreshadowing?
Circle up for SSH, Slow Squat, IW.
Run over to the rockpile near the baseball field. More foreshadowing.

Partner up. Partners run to the entrance on 51, stopping at each speed bump where one partner does 10 merkins and the other does 10 jump squats, flapjacking at each of the speed bumps (4).

Hand off to Gummy
Mosey around the front of the church, stopping to select a partner for 10 hand slap merkins, 20 situps, and repeat. Continue the mosey to the top of the North Face.

Partner up. Partner 1 does the exercise while partner 2 runs around the trees, down the hill and up North Face. Flapjack. Repeat with HR Merkins, Lunges, CDDs, Jump Squats.

Back to Hopper
Run over to the rock pile near the baseball field. Partner up and select a big rock and a medium rock. Carry said rocks over to the soccer fields (editor’s note: mean). Partner 1 does an exercise with The Rock ™ while partner 2 runs to the fence (really?) and back. After first excercise, smart audible to a soccer goal about 2/3 to the fence. Flapjack. Repeat with curls, overhead press, skull crushers. Mixed in some partner situps and mason twists with rocks between sets.

Back to Gummy
Up to the picnic tables. Partner 1 does the exercise while partner 2 runs around the nearby median. Flapjack. Repeat with right leg step ups, left leg, dips, derkins. Carry the rocks back to their homes.

Back to Hopper
Mosey to the cars for Mary. LBCs, Rosalita, Flutter, Protractor. Done!

The fun of having two Qs is that both bring the heat without much rest. That was a tough workout. Hopper and I traded a few emails about what we had planned, then he went off script and pulled out a couple of stomach punches. Hammer continues to impress with his newfound speed. I was happy to be in front of him at the beginning of one lap, but that was short lived. Voodoo and Buttermaker pushed me hard on all of the runs down on the soccer field. Deep Dish was killing it on the runs, but took special interest in Flipper’s heart rate technology when it meant that he could rest instead of do merkins, etc.

The Rock converges at Day Zero next week for a Memorial Day weekend special.
Stay tuned for potential convergence on Memorial Day itself.


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8 years ago

I did insert some rogue acitvity into the weinke post emails. That’s true. I have been meaning to insert some mason twist rock (love the TM by the way) medicine ball work and today was my D day. I apologize….sort of. Hammer has picked up some turbo wheels in the last 30 days!! The boy is bringing it everytime someone says “ready, set, go”. Great to see the regulars of Flipper, Hammer and Deep Dish today! Buttermaker, thanks for making your maiden voyage to The Rock (TM). Kotters to Voodoo! Great work to all of you, men!

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