Breaking in the new plates

  • When:05/05/15
  • QIC: Alf
  • The PAX: Hacker, Ex-Lax, Arena, Sussido (respect), Schnitzel, Chum, Brush Back, Freedom (respect), Tommy Boy (respect), Swiss Miss, Harley, Gold Member, Liberace, Bull Dog, Les Mis, Pop Tart, Alf (Q)

Breaking in the new plates

17 men made their way to the parking area on the other side of the church to avoid the construction. They were hoping to spend Cinco de Mayo smacking on Piñata’s for candy, eating chips and salsa, and drinking cervezas.  I hope you get to do that on your own time, but this is Skunk Works and we have work to do #Varsity

Partner up in groups of 3 or 4.  Groups of 3 grab one plate, groups of 4 grab 2 plates and mosey down to the back door of the church.


2-handed swings – 25 OYO

SSH (because people complained about not starting with SSH) – 25 IC

Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Mountain Climber combo.

The Thang:

Round 1:  Hairburner Grinders:  P1 does 2-handed swings, P2 does hair burners ~25 yards, P3 does goblet squats.  Rotate through until team does 200 2-handed swings

(Teams of 4 used the extra plate and 2 guys stayed together on the exercises, I think it sort of worked)

Round 2:  Farmer’s Carry up the stairs:  P1 does Snatch, P2 farmer’s carry with one plate and one KB up the emergency exit stairs and back to start, P3 does lap around church.  Rotate through until team does 150 Snatchs

Round 3:  Hairburner Grinders:  P1 does High Pulls, P2 does hair burners ~25 yards, P3 does teabag squats.  Rotate through until team does 150 High Pulls

Round 4:  Hairburner Grinders:  P1 does KB Double Swings, P2 does hair burners ~25 yards, P3 does Romanian deadlifts.  Rotate through until team does 100 KB Double Swings

Back to cars for Flutter with Press x 25 IC



You know when you get a few drops of gas on your hand at the pump and no matter how many times you wash your hands that day you just can’t seem to get rid of the smell?  Hairburners are kind of like that.  I don’t know if it just burns the nostrils or scars the memory, but it stays with you all day.  The gift that keeps on giving!

Glad to get to use the plates I picked up on Craig’s List, look for them to show up some more.

I’ve been spending more time at Fast Twitch and less at Skunk recently (why can’t they be on different days?)  My forearms reminded me of that.  That farmer carry up the stairs was a smoker and going right to snatch after that was not fun.  Great to have Les Mis and Pop Tart on my team to muscle it through this AM.

3 Strong Respect’s out there this morning and impressive to see Sussudio, Freedom and Tommy Boy brining it hard.  Then Freedom packed up his gorilla bell and rucked it back home.

The grinders were constant noise and movement making it difficult to single out anyone for a strong performance, but everyone was working and the sweat was boring off the PAX during Ball of Man.  Thanks to Les Mis for the send off.



F3 Dads workout in Harrisburg, Thursday from 7-9

Kevlar and Joust continue the year long convergence at Charlotte Christian on Fridays



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Alf author

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8 years ago

A couple of comments.
– Totally smoked as we have all come to expect with Alf leading. The smudge of the hairburners turned my shower black this am and I can still smell the burn.
– Impressive that all 17 made it to the new parking location for skunk. Twitter machine in full effect.
– Always open for change if there is full scale support to change days for Skunkworks/Fast Twitch. Pretty sure we were there first on Tue but whatever.

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