Get Ready to Run….

  • When:5/1/15
  • QIC: Madame Tussauds
  • The PAX: Dolphin (The Brave-FNG), Commish, Wild Turkey, Gomer Pile, Gecko, Van Pelt (The Brave-FNG), Voodoo, Dear Abby, Big Tuna, Uncle Leo, Outback, Haggis, Mr. Bean, Chipotle, Mic Check and Madame Tussauds

Get Ready to Run….

5 men (Outback, Mic Check, Mr. Bean, Dear Abby, and YHC) earned extra credit for the advertised pre-tractor tire flipping workout. 15 SOBs launched at 0515 from the Vine Restaurant at the Ballantyne AO to for a run heavy workout covering 4.5 miles. 1 SOB stayed behind (Outback) for some tractor tire work as he recovers from IR. 16 men in total took the #redpill and asked for pain at The Brave.

Here’s what we did:

The Thang:

COP – SSH IC X 10, IW IC X 10, Squats IC X 10

Head to the bottom of Ben Nevis on Ballantyne Commons for instructions from the Q.

Run up Ben Nevis pushing a fast pace, 10 burpees at the top, recover mosey down Ben Nevis to wait for the six, 20 Dips on the road side guard rail; rinse and repeat.

We then headed over to the basement of the parking deck behind the Ballantyne movie theater.

Partner up – Partner 1 climbs the steep hill out of the basement of the deck, runs around the parking deck and back down the other steep hill back into the parking deck; Partner 2 – Bear crawls until partner 1 is back, flapjack.

Repeat – Partner 1 – runs; Partners 2 – In and Out Planks, flapjack

Repeat – Partner 1 – runs; Partners 2 – Carolina Dry Docks, flapjack

We then headed to the top of the parking deck and lined up shoulder to shoulder while Q gave instructions for the Merkin ladder.

Sprint half way down the ramp and do 15 merkins, sprint up the ramp and do 14 merkins, continue on 13, 12, 11, etc. down to 0. Once finished, gather at the top of the deck for Mary in cadence to wait for the six – LBCs X 20, Heels to Heaven X 20, Dollies X 20

Mosey down the ramp and backwards run back up the ramp.

Mosey down to ground level for sprints. We sprinted up the ramp approx 100 yards X 3



The goal today was easy, crush the SOBs. The pain started for 5 men wanting extra credit at 0500. We ran through a routine that included flipping a tractor tire 10 times, kettlebell swings, merkins and Mary.

At 0515, the fun began. When we launched there was lots of positive and social mumble chatter. We circled up for a quick COP and headed towards the bottom of Ben Nevis. Then the mumble chatter turned to worry. From behind me I could hear, “MT where are we going? This isn’t good,” but I stayed silent.  SOBs don’t typically head toward Ben Nevis, unless of course you’re running with Bratwurst at Swift. There was dead silence when YHC gave the instructions for the ¼ mile climb, which included 10 burpees at the top and off we went. Shout out to Haggis, MC Check, Voodoo and Mr. Bean for the effort. That hill is a beast and they crushed it.

The mumble chatter returned, including sighs of relieve, when I announce we were leaving Ben Nevis after the second hill run. When we got to the basement of the parking deck and I announced that we were starting the “CSAUP” portion of the workout, the looks on guys faces was pretty comical. The hills climbing out of the basement are about 15 feet tall and steep, in fact so steep, I wondered if I was making a terrible decision having the PAX climb up and down them, but I pressed forwards against my better judgement. The highlight of my morning was watching Dolphin come down the hill into the basement on his 3 lap around the parking deck. He slid head first down the steep hill on his belly, most  men ran down the hill or slid down on their tails. Dolphin was all smiles and had perfect form like he was belly sliding into home plate for the winning run of a baseball game. It was absolutely hilarious and the dirt and grass stains on his shirt stuck with him for the rest of the workout.

SOBs can thank my buddy Mermaid for the Merkin Ladder. He planted that seed over beers on Wednesday afternoon and I was dead set on using it today at The Brave. He suggested the 20 Merkin ladder in a parking lot, but I made it my own and used 15 ladders on the parking deck ramp. The merkins/sprint combination was painful.

I wanted to “empty the tank” before heading back to the COT and there’s no better way to do that than more sprints. The plan was 2 sets of sprints up a parking deck ramp with a recovery mosey back down, but 2 wasn’t enough for Haggis, so he specially requested another round and I was happy to oblige.

As always, it was a pleasure leading my SOB brothers in The Gloom.


3rd F kicked off last Tuesday. Join us at Einstein’s Bagels at 0630 after Swift & Bagpipe on Tuesday. For next week, read through Chapter 1 of the book “True Measure of a Man” by R. Simmons.

Fight Club re-launched on Mondays at 0530 (new day). Everyone should try this boxing style workout. It’s a different type of workout that is a lot of fun.

Sign up for F3 Death March on May 29th. Sign up and don’t ask what it is, just sign up.

Mr. Bean and YHC are road tripping it to Atlanta on Saturday May 9th to Q one of the launch workouts for Atlanta in Piedmont Park at 7am. EH your buddies in that area to join us.

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Madame Tussauds author

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Mr. Bean
9 years ago

Solid beatdown brother, that rates in the top 3 workouts of my F3 life. Shout out to Dolphin good to see him back out in the gloom all week.

9 years ago

Looks like a very solid beating dished out at the Brave. Had a strong feeling the Merkin Ladder may wind up on the weinke. Though I am to blame for sharing with MT, Merkin Ladder is Iron Horse’s baby. Always a crowd pleaser.

9 years ago

Nice one today MT. Correction on Fight Club, 5:15 start time.

9 years ago

Great lead, MT. I think you forgot to mention yourself crushing Ben Nevis, the ramps, the merkin ladder, etc. Strong work by the Q. Oh, you also forgot the WWII situps during Mary.

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