Hills of Affluent Darkness

  • When:03/19/15
  • QIC: Honey Bee
  • The PAX: Horse Head, Buttermaker, Sanka, Exlax, Long Haul, Mr. Bean, Madame Tussaud, Cheddar, Big Easy, Crypto, Funky Cold, FNG - Woodstock, Honey Bee

Hills of Affluent Darkness

13 men chose to push themselves at an aggressive tempo pace through the hills of Piper Glen in this week’s installment of Devil’s Turn.  The course was the typical hill route and there were options for 4 or 6 miles.

FNG Woodstock jumped into F3 with both feet choosing hill week at Devil’s Turn for his first post.  Brother, if you can do this and enjoy it, F3 is for you.   YHC looks forward to seeing your progression to 5k domination (you ran 1 mile longer than that today!).  See you at Swift on Tuesday!

FNG Woodstock was almost FNG Sofa King, but our resident voice of reason (Madame T), wisely steered us away from this easily mispronounced expletive laced nickname.  The possibilities would have been endless, Sofa King Smart, Sofa King Fast, etc… However, thanks Madame T for keeping us on the straight and narrow even though our backblast fodder has now been greatly limited.

Horse Head and Big Easy joined Woodstock for the 4 mile loop and looked to have an entertaining trip through the hills even with YHC’s confusing directions at the Old Course / Piper Glen intersection.  Cobains!

Long Haul and Cheddar were vying for gold and silver the whole run.  Maybe someone should tell them they aren’t really medals at DT.  On second thought, anything that makes you push that hard over steep hills is fair game.  Keep on believing men!

Buttermaker, Funky Cold, Sanka, and Exlax were also pushing the pace out there and Sanka had a great point in COT about the iron sharpens iron effect.  There is no way any one of us would push that hard over the hills without each other there.  It’s real guys.

Mr. Bean and Madame T were flying under the radar this morning and were not readily observable to YHC.  Were they here or were they there.  We will never know.  We will know however that they will dominate the upcoming mudrun and later the BRR due to the fact they are beasts of nature and train on steep hills for fun.

Next week Long Haul will lead us back to our roots and onto the greenway.

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Honey Bee author

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9 years ago

great title. solid backblast. will get back to DT soon…need to start logging some miles! Good stuff Honeybee

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