Skunkworks – Snowbells

  • When:02/24/2015
  • QIC: Sanka
  • The PAX: Tiger Rag, Stone Cold, Puddin’ Pop, Bulldog, Fletch, Header, Horsehead, Sussuido (Respect), Squid (Skunkworks FNG), Lex Luther, GumNut, Pop Tart, Harley, Brown, Young Love, Funky Cold, Chum, Drop Thrill, Arena, Bananas, Sanka

Skunkworks – Snowbells

21 men tossed around some snowbells. Here’s how it went down:

Warm Up
25 Swings OYO
SSH x 20 IC
25 Swings OYO
IW x 20 IC
25 Swings OYO
Merkins on bell x 10 IC
25 Swings OYO
Partner up, same size bell
Farmer Carry down to front of church with 10 merkin chaser

The Thang
P1 – Runs to top of hill and back
P2 – Called double kettlebell exercise
Rinse and Repeat – both partners will have run twice

Renegade Rows
Double Bell Front Squat
Double High Pulls – audible to P1 doing 25 Heels to Heaven
Seesaw Press
Wide arm merkins on bells
Deadlift – audible to P1 doing 25 LBCs
50 Swings OYO
Farmer Carry back to parking lot with 10 merkin chaser



The snowfall made for a nice background today. YHC welcomes any distraction that takes my mind off the pain of a seesaw press.

Renegade Rows proved once again to be dangerous. #flattenedfingers

Welcome Squid to Skunkworks and his first gear workout. Double kettlebell work isn’t always on the menu, but it was today, so make sure you come back next week to see what’s cooking.

ALL the PAX put in strong effort today. Minimal planking/recovery means everyone stayed together and finished each set around the same time. Great work by all.

Thanks to Sussudio for taking us out.

As always, a privilege to lead.


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Continue to pray for Zip-a-dee’s recovery

Posted on behalf of Sanka

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Harley author

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9 years ago

Alas, I was warned by Frodo the 9 fingered Harley about the dangers of the double renegade rows. “You’ll shoot your eye out kid!”, he said. I reached to remove my glasses quickly for dramatic effect while I scoffed at him like Horatio Cane but they were nowhere to be found, so I just ignored him in silence. 1st rep in, “SON OF A FARKUS! – I SMASHED MY FINGER”. Further analysis revealed that Sussudios bell, carefully molded from a parrafin cast of his head, was as smooth as glass underneath and gave way. I went down hard in the deep and dangerous NC snow, only to be rescued by Bulldog, who was sitting on the curb completely smoked after playing 15 mins of pickup soccer with some 6 year olds over the weekend.

Drop Thrill
9 years ago

Excellent smokefest as always at Skunkworks.

I don’t know if I just ate some extra carbs over the weekend or what, but I could notice a big difference in my endurance this week. Next week I’ll probably crash and burn to keep me humble.

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