30 Merkins OYO
Grab a KB and lets mosey, stop and 30 Merkins OYO, mosey, 30 Merkins OYO, mosey to track, 30 Merkins OYO and put Kbs in the corner, 30 Merkins OYO
Head to the bleachers, split into two groups and get to the bottom steps of the outside bleachers. 1st person starts bear crawling up steps, at every 5th step you stop and do 5 incline Merkins…get to the top go to next set of stairs and do the same going down and every 5th step is 5 decline Merkins…when finished move to the next set of stairs and go up with every 5th step doing 5 Merkins and meeting at the top. When waiting for the stairs to open up you are doing jump squats touching your heels on the way down for good ROM.
Move to the end of bleachers and notice the 4 brick columns plus 1 Blue Door (5s). Weave up and down Mini-Gma to touch each column and back down to the bottom after the fourth so you get the full ROM of the Blue Door…halfway up to the Blue Door, your quads should feel like they are about to explode or fail.
Mosey back to gym equipment and half of pax does 20 pull ups while the other half does 40 Dry Docks…flap jack.
Head down to the track, sprint to the KBs in the far corner.
>45lb Kbs do 50 swings, <45lbs do 100 swings…when done do Merkins until rest of pax is done.
80+% around the track back to the bleachers.
Up the stairs to repeat the 5s to the Blue Door. Back to the gym equipment and Merkins until all the pax arrive.
Back down to the track…get in lines to bear crawl 5 steps and then 5 Merkins, repeat for about 40 yards.
Sprint to Kbs to do 40 two handed push presses.
Sprint back to bleachers for severe decline Merkins/handstand pushups with feet on top of the railing…as many as you can for 1 minute.
Sprint back to Kbs and mosey with Kbs, stop 30 Merkins OYO, mosey, 30 Merkins OYO, mosey 30 Merkins OYO back to start.
30 Merkins (requested by Mall Cop)
50 crunch squeezers OYO
30 Merkins
Extended Protractor
30 Merkins
As many Diamond Merkins as you can in the last minute.
Beautiful chilled morning, 29 Pax came out in force to honor Stone Cold's past leadership as the Joust site Q, and welcome in the new site Q…the infamous Header! Thanks for stepping up to lead Header! The pax crushed it this morning, and there were a few asking where the SSH and IWs were after the 3rd set of 30 Merkins. The mumble chatter was left to mere groans for the majority of the workout, but some (Brown) still were able to throw in their hilarious as always quips throughout the workout…mainly questioning/making fun of why more pain was added. I am definitely not one to want anyone to leave a workout feeling like they wasted their time, or it was too easy. Hopefully that was accomplished today…
The 5s to the Blue Door was almost added in a 3rd time, but I wanted to make sure we got back to the start on time. Next time we will take it to 5 repeats of 5s to the Blue Door and ditch a few of the other that was mixed in…if that doesn't improve your hill running ability on pavement, nothing will.
I noticed how much the Merkins were wearing on the pax when we were at our 2nd stop on the mosey back and stop for 30 Merkins, when people finished their 30 got up and were sprinting with their Kbs back to the parking lot so another stop for 30 would be averted. Thanks to Mall Cop for requesting more Merkins once we got back…requesting may not have been really what he was doing, but I wanted to make sure he and the pax got their monies worth, so a few more were included.
Thanks to everyone that came out, it is a great site, and hopefully we can keep supporting it!
Welcom to FNG: Smokey (Brad Childers)
Joe Davis Run in January, sign up and support.
Support F3's drive for athletic shoes "SOLE REDEMPTION" for the men at the Charlotte Rescue Mission…TR is already on the board for 10 pair…he said he will donate one pair for every person that Joust has at a workout for the next 3 Fridays over Kevlar. Today: Joust 29 – Kevlar 19 Thanks TR for leading and trying to help Joust grow in numbers, and provide shoes for some men that are in need of support in many areas!
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