Convergence @ The Rock – Gear & Sprints

  • When:10/04/14
  • QIC: Mall Cop & The Hoff
  • The PAX: Joker, Gullah, Pele, Donkey Kong, Grandmama, World Tour, FNG Billy Jean (John M.), Winter Place, Teddy, Deep Dish, Maddison, Harley, Blades Of Glory, Philmont, Ice Hole, Ice Sickle, Shepherd, Matadore, Free Clinic, High Tide, Dead Lift, Wolfman, The Hoff, Mall Cop

Convergence @ The Rock – Gear & Sprints

24 pax including 1 FNG laid it all out on the pavement at a Mud Run convergence at The Rock. The pax from The Rock, Day Zero, Olympus, and Ascent powered through a tuff hour of Gear and Sprints. The Hoff and YHC got together to discuss how to bring out all the toys to give the pax a beat down while keeping the heart pounding for an entire hour of cardio and anaerobic work and we were giddy at the opportunity. We also discussed and agreed that this will become a regular monthly occurrence (more on this in the moleskin below). Here’s what we did:

The Thang:

Follow Mall Cop for a mosey around the parking lot and circle up for a quick COP:

SSH x 20, IW x 20, Slow Squats x 20, Merkins x 20

The Main event: Partner Up (size and speed don’t matter) and follow the Hoff and YHC through the gear stations for a quick tutorial on proper form. Each team then lined up at 1 of the gear stations and partner 1 pounded it out on the gear while partner 2 sprints down to a light post and back, total of 150 yards. Flapjack, then plank until all partner teams are done. YHC or The Hoff would call to rotate once all teams were done so that all teams would move to the gear station to the right. We continued this on the stations for the next 50 minutes.

Stations were:

  • Fire Hose drag 40 yards down and back
  • Balance Merkins, hands on 2×4 laying across a 3” PVC pipe
  • Box Jumps
  • Sled Pull with 90 lbs
  • Power Clean and Press with 135 lbs on Olympic bar
  • Sledge Hammer on Tractor Tire
  • Hair Burners 45 lb plate, 20 yards down and back
  • Dead Lift 80 lb kettle bell
  • Farmers Carry 2 35 lb Kettle Bells 40 yards down and back
  • Heavy Bag Ruck 90 lbs, 40 yards down and back
  • Medicine Ball Squat Thrust
  • Sand Bag 40 lbs Squat Up and Overs
  • Bicep Curls 60 lbs
  • Triceps Extension 40 lbs
  • Battle Rope
  • Rope Pull Ups

6 MOM lead by The Hoff with Daisy Dukes, Flutters, Get-ups, and LBCs


That was an awesome workout this morning and all the pax pushed it hard! The Hoff and YHC had a blast putting this one together and it delivered everything we wanted. This was one where the pax got out of it what they put into it and judging by the sweat flying everywhere the pax got their money’s worth. We sprinted a total of 1.75 miles during the stations and once our heart rates got up they stayed there for the duration.

We’ve decided this will become a regular occurrence with The Rock and Olympus converging every 5 or 6 weeks alternating between the 2 AOs for this style of HIIT with the gear and sprints.

Welcome out to F3 to our FNG Billy Jean (John M.) who was EHed by World Tour (Michael Jackson). This was a rough one to start out with but you hung in there and gave it your all! Hope to see you back out in the gloom soon!


2 new Area 51 Friday workouts starting this Friday, 1 in Ballantyne named The Brave and 1 in Union County, look for the weekly email for more information.

GORUCK Challenge on 11/7, contact The Hoff for more details.

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Mall Cop author

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