HB And Double E’s Extreme Doofenshmirtz LEG-N-ATOR

  • When:10/04/14
  • QIC: Double E and Hair Band
  • The PAX: Horse Head, Drop Thrill, Turnpike, Glass Joe, Snowman, Boon Dock (2.0), Belly Flp (2.0)

HB And Double E’s Extreme Doofenshmirtz LEG-N-ATOR

9 PAX rose to a nice cool Fall Saturday morning in the Gloom ready to Tackle (get it), the HB and EE Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated EXTREME-LEG-N-A-TOR!!  Great work by HH, GJ, DT and EE who decided it was a great idea to begin at 0600 with a warmup 5+ mile run to ensure Maximum Strength Leg-O-Rama.  With all PAX now ready to Enter the HBEEDEIELNAT, Let’s Begin!

HB ON Q – Let’s Mosey

Quick Lap around Parking Lot
SSH x 20 – Hey is that Jellyfish?  NO, SNOWMAN!
IW x 20
As per Outland Snowman Tardy policy – 10 x Late Penalty Burpees OYO

Mosey to side of school for some circuit work.

Round 1 x 2:
Dips X 40
Step ups X 40
Round 2 x 2:
Railslides – Alternate Direction
Decline Merkin’s X 30
Carolina Dry Docks X 30
Round 3 X 2:
Sprint around Railslide ramp
Freddie Mercury X 30
LBC X 30

Double E Now on Q –
HAIRBURNERS with 2 x 45 lb plates (2 x 10 lb plates for 2.0’s) and cones 10 parking spaces apart
P1 and P2 must push plates UP and BACK while remaining PAX perform called Legs-ercises
Partners must work No Man Left Behind Style and help the other partner If anyone gets stuck!
After the HB’s are complete, all PAX must run a lap around parking lot and Next partner group immediately hits the plates for more HB’s . Continue until time runs out or you spill Merlot!
Legs-ercise #1 – Squat Jumps
Legs-ercise #2 – Walking Lunges
Legs-ercise #3 – Calf Raises

Grab some Wall for PC Active Recovery after Run with Arms Out Hold 30 seconds, 30 x Air Presses, Arms Out Hold 30 seconds!  Back to the LEG-N-A-TOR!

Legs-ercise #4 – Low Slow Squats
Legs-ercise #5 – Bomb Jacks
Legs-ercise #6 – Reverse Walking Lunges
Legs-ercise #7 – SSH

Double HairBurner Distance to 20 parking spaces and divide PAX into 2 groups for HairBurner Relay Race!
P1 Starts P2 picks up at space #10 P3 meets P2 at space #20 and turns back around to P4 at space #10 and P4 finishes up!

Time for a little Perry (The Platypus)

Dolly x 25 IC
LBC x 30 IC
6 inch hold for 90 seconds!



HB – I definitely need to call out all the PAX during the Hairburners for truely showing the brotherhood and mantra of no man left behind during the Hairburners. A whole lot of pushing & encouraging going on! Aye!

EE – What a Great show of F3 spirit at the Outland this morning!  When the PAIN is at it’s worst, the PAX are at their Best!  It still amazes me at the willingness of the men of F3 to push and help the others no matter what during these very difficult workouts!  Even when they can barely breath, they manage to find strength in each other to press on, stronger and harder #F3BROTHERHOOD #F3STRONG!  It was great seeing Horse Head back in action after a few weeks on the IR.  Not only back but showing brute strength in the 5+ mile Pre-Run!  CT, we all hope you feel better and that this looming crud leaves you soon brother.  Again Great Work by all and the heated debate between GJ and myself, What will wear out first, the 45 lb Metal Plates or the Parking Lot Asphalt???  I guess only time may tell! Here’s to finding out with my brothers of F3!!

– Continued Prayers for Electric Slide’s wife
– Continued Prayers for little Coy – www.careforcoy.org
– Prayers for CT and a speedy recovery
– 5K Race Sunday October 19th at 6:00pm at Hopewell Baptist Church with Donut Hole

As Always It is a Pleasure to share the pain of the Outland with each one of you!!

Double E and HB

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Hair Band
10 years ago

F3Overdrive this Friday 10/10! 5:30am Sun Valley Middle School, be there and help us launch this new workout!

10 years ago

It was good to be back. I haven’t posted at a F3 workout since the Wednesday before the BRR (almost a month) and it was really starting to get to me. Thanks to the PAX for checking on me continually and encouraging me to get back out.

The real story behind this workout is that Double E set up the whole 2nd half LEG-N-ATOR thing since he knew I wasn’t able to do anything on my gimp shoulder. That was a solid move. Bummer to be injured through my 1 year F3 anniversary, but sometimes things happen for reasons that we don’t understand. Actually, just in typing this I’m starting to understand things a bit more. F3 isn’t about me, it’s about everyone else. When I started to get “better” at the workouts, it was starting to become more and more about me, and getting even #betterfasterstronger and even less about the rest of the PAX. This injury setback has given me some time to reflect upon how much God has used F3 to reshape my life and the lives of other men over the past year.

I am very thankful for this.

It would be a stretch, however, to say that I am thankful for hairburners.

Drop Thrill
10 years ago

Is it Thursday already?

That was a brutal workout, which you’d think I’d be the walking dead today but I’m not. Can’t figure out this crazy body of mine.

Glad to have you back in the gloom HH.

I’d encourage you guys to sign up for COTS (Church on the streets) service opportunity mentioned in the A51 emails. Sunday was certainly a blessing to get up at 4:30 so I could serve some folks on the streets of Charlotte. Good 2nd F serving in the gloom with High Tide, Low Tide and Robinhood as well.

*goes and signs Hair Band up for the 5k* 😉

Have a most excellent week. GJ praying all goes well with the project.

Glass Joe
10 years ago

Thanks DT! Just delivered the most pressing piece a day early. Huge weight off my shoulders. Ready to throw down on some Overdrive now!!!

HH, well said!

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