After hundreds, probably thousands, of miles of BRR training in the hills of Raintree and Piper Glen (including two common-law HOA memberships), a dodgy knee, a monkey fist knot in my left glute, grape-sized blisters, and a dead toe nail: the hay is in the barn and the biscuits are in the oven–back to the bells. Finally. Fourteen like-minded pax, including a robust SOB showing, moved the iron in a workout that scarcely registered on the pedometer.
The Weinke….
This was really two workouts stitched together: heavy work followed by conditioning work. Ideally, you’d spend 30, maybe 40, minutes on Heavy day and maybe the same on a separate conditioning day. The abridged mashup was to serve for some KB object lessons.
First, most guys can handle significantly more weight than they are currently swinging. This isn’t an ego thing–it’s an acknowledgement that the ballistic nature of many of the KB moves allows for more weight. A KB is not a dumbbell: a DB is typically used to isolate muscle groups whereas a KB combines muscle groups. The additional muscle groups combined with the ballistic movements leads to heavier weights. You may not be ready quite yet to jump to 48 kg, but you most likely need to move up at least one KB size, but probably two.
Second, you need more than one KB--heavier for grinding moves like swings and squats and a smaller one for presses (and maybe groundwork), when you start to fatigue, and for combining for doubles. The Meathead concept of 0.0 allows for this–all the bells are right there in the COP. It’s harder to accomplish in the typical F3 “gear” workout; not easy to tote 2 KBs around the AO (but it can be done…)
Third, the KB is a great conditioning tool. The swing ladders got the heart rate up and perhaps got in your head a little (50 swings? Again?). It may have exposed a weak link–if your form is not compact and efficient you fatigue early. Most likely, your grip is the first give out.
If you want to sharpen you form, pack on muscle and strengthen your grip, join us for the 10,000 swing challenge this fall: 500 swings a day (5 sets: 10x / 15x / 25x / 50x), 2 days on, 1 day off. Look for tweets after the BRR.
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