A Two Mile Tour

  • When:08/27/14
  • QIC: Baracus
  • The PAX: Abacus, Young Love, Lobsta Roll, Mermaid, Purple Haze, Cane, Margo, Swanson, Furley, Whiplash, Brutus (FNG Jeff D), Hops, Billie Jean, Red Rocks, Ickey Shuffle, Boutique, Haggis, Iron Horse, Baracus (QIC)

A Two Mile Tour

I was a bit thrown off as I pulled into the Calvary Parking lot on this relatively cool August morning. I approached our normal gathering area seeing what appeared to be many vehicles parked in the darkness.  “OK…looks like a good turnout this morning,” I thought.  As I got closer and my eyes adjusted to the darkness in the parking lot, I noticed that these vehicles were dump trucks, backhoes, chip spreaders, and steam-rollers.  The entire parking lot had been paved, and cones blocked entry from the driveway that circled the lot.  “Hmmm…this is a problem.  Where is everyone?”  I continued to follow the driveway along and to my relief I spotted many cars and a few kettle bells swinging at the end of the parking lot.  “I found my pax!”  It was a nice turnout today, and now we have a nice smooth surface for all future COPs.  No more CCVs on broken glass!

Anyways, once we all found our way to our new, albeit temporary gathering spot, we got after it (after a short disclaimer of course).  Here’s what we did….

Short warm-up jog around the parking lot only to end up right back where we started for COP.


  • Merkins x15
  • LBC x15
  • Mtn Climber x 15


Mosey to bottom of Entrance 4

Triple Nickel

  • 5 burpees at the bottom, run to top of Entrance 4
  • 5 squats at the top, run to bottom
  • Repeat 3x, ending in plank after last round of squats at top of hill
  • Plank until all finish

Mosey to the playground

  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 burpees
  • Plank until all finish

Mosey to the picnic shelter

  • 20 jump-ups
  • 15 dips (cadence count)
  • 15 derkins (cadence count)

Mosey to baseball field

  • Bear crawl from 3rd to Home base
  • Lunge walk from Home to 1st base
  • Jog around to 3rd base and repeat
  • Plank at 2nd base until all finish

Mosey to Hill

Triple nickel (again)

  • 5 burpees at the bottom, run to top
  • 5 squats at the top, run to bottom
  • Repeat 3x, ending in plank after last round of squats at top of hill

Mosey to courtyard

  • Peoples chair w/ air presses x 15 (cadence count)
  • Plank walk on wall up to highest point
  • Peoples chair w/ air presses x 15 (cadence count)
  • Plank walk on wall up to highest point
  • Peoples chair w/ air presses x 15 (cadence count)

Mosey to large field in front of church, line up and sprint across field to driveway at top of North Face, plank until all arrive

Mosey around to bottom of North Face, plank until all arrive

  • 20 merkins
  • Sprint to the top
  • 20 squats, plank until all finish
  • Repeat x3

Once all finished, we jogged back toward the cars and sprinted the last 200 yds.


What an awesome morning for a workout!!  We got a nice break from the heat and humidity, and we continue to be blessed to be able to use the great venue at Calvary Church.  Today, we got to see and experience all of it!  YHC is not the most creative guy in the world, and I had to improvise this morning because I didn’t have time to plan out something special…so I figured I’d pull all the regular tricks out of the bag and take the pax on a tour to see all the great things this venue has to offer.  I think it was while we were at the baseball field when Haggis commented that we must be doing every exercise known within F3.  Not all of them, but we certainly did many of them.

It was great to see many of the regulars this morning, but also a few faces we don’t typically see at Anvil – Haggis, Margo, Furley, and Whiplash.  Thanks Whiplash for EH’ing FNG Jeff D, who from here forward shall be known as Brutus.  Jeff is a Michigan fan, so he is now appropriately named for the Ohio State mascot.  Brutus’ wife, who is a Ohio State fan will be very happy with the name choice.  Nice one Hops!

T-claps to our KB’ers this morning.  I didn’t take notice of all that were participating, but I think it was Abacus, Mermaid, and Cane.  Not sure if Swanson did his regular pre-run, but if I missed you, sound off in the comments and take credit!  Also

Thanks to Hops for the strong closing prayer! Many prayer requests among the pax, including Turkey Leg, whose mother passed away this morning.

Always a pleasure leading you guys.  It was fun this morning.


  • Tutoring Matthews Elementary starts in mid-September
  • BRR – looking for alternate runners and drivers. Reach out to Baracus
  • 3rd F Aftermath – Piper Glen Starbucks immediately after Anvil

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Baracus author

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10 years ago

Is it a Triple Nickel if you only repeat 3x? We’re going to need a ruling from Corporate.

Young Love
Young Love
10 years ago

Well done, BA. Fun time and strenuous workout – who could ask for more?

10 years ago

Strong Q Baracus, you always dish pain to the pax. Triple Nickel debuted 02/05/2014 at Anvil during my 1st Q at this great AO.

Nickel 1: run up hill and complete 5x called exercise
Nickel 2: run down and complete 5x called exercise (1 rep)
Nickel 3: 5 reps

You can start with called exercise at bottom of hill on rep 1 to finish at the top of the hill. Starting with run will force one more trip up the hill in many instances, depending on the next stop. So, technically these were not Triple Nickels today. However, they certainly got the job done.

Reply to  Mermaid
10 years ago

I had heard once who authored the Triple Nickel, but I couldn’t remember. I steal it heavily.

Reply to  Baracus
10 years ago

Variations are strongly encouraged. Most importantly, as Q for the workout, you get to make up the rules as you go along.

Thanks for your leadership BA. Aye!

10 years ago

BA – one quick note on tutoring at Matthews Elementary – I spoke with the lady at Christ Covenant and they said they are planning to start in October. I’m working with them to see if they can have us pair up per kid so they will get someone there from F3 twice a month. Will let the Pax know when I hear back. Also, there will be training with the school that is required before we can tutor/buddy with the students. The time will be between 3:10 and 3:30 on Wednesdays. Email me if you are interested. bdbriggs@gmail.com. I’ll do a pre-blast in the next week or so to get a HC on the Pax to provide the school.

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